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Password protected sharing ArcGIS Online without organizational account

02-09-2015 11:12 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

What would really be beneficial to ArcGIS Online from my point of view, would be adding the possibility to share content with 'everyone' while using some form of basic password protection (password protected sharing for users without organizational account). Other cloud services (OneDrive for example) offer similar functionality. The lack of this functionality is pretty much what keeps me from using ArcGIS Online for sharing content.


It would be super convenient to have the option to make an app, in my case a dashboard, accessible by anyone with the link. The data I am sharing is not super-sensitive, but not really for public consumption. Most people I want to share a dashboard with DO have ArcGIS Online organizations and logins, but I don't want them to have to go through the hoops of making their profile visible to the public, ensure they have permissions to join a group outside their organization, and remembering to log in to ArcGIS Online and check their messages to accept my invitation to join a group for sharing. 


I came here to check if any solution was suggested or made since the original comment is from 2015!

Not all clients are within the organization, and I need to share sensitive information. We have a site, and some pages need to be password protected. 


2022 and still waiting for option to share with password or share with anyone with a link. 


it is now 2022 and this option is still missing, it would be of such high value to add it!


Just commenting to bump this up - I work with contextually complex data on school locations with Boko Haram and organizations like that.  It would be really hugely useful for us to have a simple password-protected map/dashboard that could be accessible to our trusted partners, but not fully public.

How is this not already an option?  It's a no-brainer. And not particularly difficult to implement!


wish i could upvote this multiple times. we need more security options


It's ridiculous this hasn't been implemented yet. It should be out the box basic functionality.


And now we have 2024 🙂


Here is some sort of workaround I found so far... To generate a viewer account, with a generic id and password and distribute it to stakeholders accessing the product. I create groups to share/hide data depending access levels.


Agree with this request.   I was looking to level up my ESRI usage to take advantage of what SEEMED like useful implementations of tools that I'm not taking advantage of... Sharing a web map to a client seems like a great solution to a common need --- client needs to review city data that has been collected or updated over aerial imagery.

 Unfortunately, client doing this review does not have (or need) GIS experience for this task... their task would be review for accuracy/completeness before we move forward with further, more advanced processing of the data.... therefore, they don't have ArcGIS, we can't simply send them a geodatabase and expect them to know what to do with it.   An online map viewer, where they could pan around our hi-res basemap & toggle layers on/off would be PERFECT.   Even better if they could create a simple shape to identify Area of Interest or add comments.

But in a 30-minute read-up on sharing to AGOL, I saw several "security" options, but it jumped from internal lockdown to members or groups straight to full wide open external access to view.   I thought FOR SURE I must be missing something.   But as this thread indicates.... no I didn't.... its 2024 and we can't do something like this yet.

I'm back to options of sharing (multiple) PDF layer-enabled maps to client for review --- or needing to train client on other tools like Qgis --- which I really don't have the time to do.

In short, I upvote this request +100 & ask ESRI to consider ways that we can more easily make maps accessible to people without GIS experience.... and in a form that is at least password protected.