Movable popup window in ArcGis Online

10-22-2012 04:35 PM
Status: In Product Plan
Occasional Contributor

The popup window in arcgis online cannot be moved.  It often pops up in a location that won't allow me to see the feature.  It would be useful to be able to move it out of the way.

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This is probably number one or two on our web app user's list of things that drive them crazy.


If you convert your map to the basic viewer app you can mark a check box option on the configuration page in the General section that allows you to display the popup as a panel.  But it would still be nice to have that popup un-tethered in all maps.


However, I just found out that the editing  gets fouled up when you choose the option to have the popup display as a panel.


Even just an option to have the popups (cascading for each layer) show in a sidebar/panel would be incredibly useful.

by Anonymous User

All our users we have trained, several hundred, this is the first thing they try to do -- move the popup window. This is probably the top feature I have observed as needed. (Second would be reworking of the Table of Contents UI I'll post separately.)

The popup needs to be moveable. Like this: Esri JS API Draggable Popups - JSFiddle

(from thread Move the popup widow in WAB )

As it is now, it covers part of the feature geometry. As users point out. I agree.  It should move and the leader line to the callout should follow it, just like ArcMap. And perhaps allow programmers to turn off the leader line or customize its styling, as that also would be covering a small amount and I could see some users wanting a completely clear view of a feature being Identified. But most important is moveable, by grabbing and dragging the title bar. Second, would be resizeable.   It might also be nice to have a minimize, like the tool windows on my site. I use jQuery UI.

Move, resize and minimize are user interface metaphors for mini-windows that have been established for decades and are well understood but users of all capabilities.  User interface or user experience in new parlance is the most important part of software in my opinion.  Discoverability is also important; icons and features should be easy to recognize what they do right away. Especially for web viewers for the general public.


One Customer asked if there were away to configure popups, so that the field was semi-transparent, and didn't block the field of view underneath the popup so much. Another asked if the popup could be configured so that it was always visible, similar to a label. so a feature being updated in realtime, might have a number or name that can be read off the display without clicking on the feature.

by Anonymous User

Curt Hammill​  see my site for this.  I use a semi-transparent PNG for a background for the popup infowindow. You can do this with simple CSS by targeting the relevant DOM elements of the Esri API in the page. Feel free to copy this from our code.

Regarding always present as a "label" hm that is interesting. Let me ask you this though.. would you perhaps consider displaying them "on hover"? That way, user doesn't even have to know to click, and the display info will pop up with no discoverability required. There are various samples here if you haven't already seen that I can find and paste a link to.


Kevin - that's awesome. I like the hover idea better. Less cluttered display. Pls do paste a link. I'll let my customer know. Thanks!


This is an incredibly important update needed for web mapping applications.  The public consistently comments on this function not being available.

by Anonymous User