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Limited Sharing

04-30-2024 03:55 PM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

I need to share my data with the Group consisting of my company's peers. They will edit my data. Also, I need to share it with a data manager from another Organization. But I want him only to be able to view/monitor my data, not edit it. I don't want to create and manage a different set of layers, maps, etc. For that some new sharing mechanism is needed (unless I miss something).


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Look at creating a view layer for the data manager from the other organisation.

Essentially a read only reference to your original data source (you can also control which fields of your original data they see and apply definition queries to remove data you don;t want them to see)



You may want to look into an instant app or create a simple view only dashboard for the person outside of your organization to view. You already have the web map created for the people who need to edit. This is assuming the group you created is a distributive collaborative group allowing the person outside of your organization to access to your information. Here's a link to instant apps

Take a look at the basic template it may meet your needs.