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Customize symbols in ArcGIS Online

08-22-2022 07:58 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor II

I love the possibility to customise the vector point symbols in the agol MapViewer, especially the POI and POI basic. Unfortunately some icons (e.g. the bicycle and a simple car) are missing. There bikes and cars available in the Classic Symbols (e.g. government), but it's not possible to change the colours there... 

So it would be great to either enhance the choice of the POI categories or to make the Government and Public Savety icons customisable.

Thanks for consideration


If you are using your own custom web style group I recently added the vector of those under the esri_webstyle account and you can add it to your orgs group.

Under Group > Add Item search ArcGIS Online for owner:"esri_webstyles" and sort by date and you will see those vector options.




Awesome, @RussRoberts  Thank you so much!!