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ArcGIS ONLine Web Map - Drawing order control with mix of REST Services with and without layer numbers

06-16-2016 12:24 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Currently in a Web Map, it is not possible to have full control over the drawing order if there is a mixture of REST services with and without the layer numbers specified. Those layers with a layer number specified have to draw over and those without a number specified. This may seem like a small problem, as one could republish the layers in new REST services to eliminate this. However, REST services creation takes time and hosting them uses server resources.

layer order.png


This is possible, but there are some limitations to drawing order depending on the service type:

Organize layers—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS 

Layers are always displayed on top of a basemap and feature layers are always displayed on top of heat maps and tileset layers (map, imagery, and tiles). Depending on the type of layers you have in your map, you may not be able to move them all up or down. For example, if you have one map layer and three feature layers, you can reorder the feature layers, but you cannot move the map layer on top of them. You cannot reorder a KML layer or a basemap.


We have a couple other Ideas posted on this same issue.

Layer Order - ArcGIS Online 

Enable any ordering for all types of services in the web map contents. 

Allow Cached Layers Above Feature Layers in AGO Map 


We didn't have a formal enhancement logged with our support team before so we submitted the following record. 

-  ENH-000119248 -  Allow webmaps to rearrange and organize the order of map layers regardless of type.


Additionally we found a trick to workaround the problem by adding the Layer as a "Reference Layer" in the basemap.

-  Use More options > Move to Basemap .

- Finding the layer in the basemap > Use More options > Set As Reference Layer

- Demo Video


For any customers who are experiencing this issue you can contact Esri Support to get your account attached to the record.