ArcGIS Online Sketch Tool - Export or Download Sketch Layers

10-04-2021 06:58 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

It would be great if we had the ability to export or download layers that were created from using the Sketch Tool. The tool is good for visualization but my team needs the ability to share these sketches with each other for use in ArcGIS Pro, Desktop, and Earth.

Workflow would be something like Draw shape(s) using the Sketch Tool >> Export or download sketch layer as shapefile/KML/CSV/etc.



It does not matter if it is the sketch widget, the draw widget or the screening widget, etc. We are all simply asking for a way to draw a polygon in a webapp using whatever widget that ESRI decides to enhance and then exporting what we just drew out in shapefile or other vector format.

This is meant for users that do not have access to desktop GIS but need to generate polygons for AOIs based on the webapps that we create and share within our organizations.   

See attached screen capture. 




Hi James,

That's pretty much what I had in mind as well.


We would also really appreciate the ability to be able to export sketch layers from publicly accessible web maps to geodatabase/shapefile/other vector formats.  We'd also like the ability for users to be able to upload any saved sketch layers in to a web map.

The workflow we have in mind is that one user would be able to add sketch features to a map, export, and send to a second user.  The second user could then upload the sketch features in to the map to see exactly what the first user had sketched.  It would be a really quick way of allowing users to effectively share maps with custom sketches.

The design above by @JamesCokinos1 is very similar to how we imagined it could work.

Do you have any update on when sketch export functionality might be available @RussRoberts?


@JamesCokinos1's idea is good. In my org, we have multiple individual web maps for different projects, managed by GIS folks, but used by many non-GIS folks in the org.

They use sketch layers as a way to comment on things that need to be changed, or callout specific areas/data that we need to edit. BUT they also need a way to share this information, usually with other folks in the org who use Google Earth as their primary GIS software. Most people are very comfortable with the KMZ format and being able to download their sketch layer comments/notes/boundaries and share with different people in the company is nearly the #1 request we get.

When Sketch layers don't cut it, the current workflow is to take a screenshot and draw on the map in Powerpoint, then show the powerpoint drawing and Google Earth side-by-side during meetings.


@RussRoberts Any updates on sketch layer export or promotion to a tile layer?


No changes as of yet. Currently looking to have save as an item for next year. 


Hey would just like to echo what others are saying about this and its importance. We've built a number of web maps for our projects and would love to give our viewers within our organization the ability to add and save their sketches. Admin at my place of work just wants to be able to leave notes on the map in the form of sketches and have those be visible by others in our org. I would really love not to have to give them all Editor licenses and contend with the issues that has.


For those who have had success getting sketches outside of AGOL and in ArcPro @JayHanson, how did you manage to do this? I have a coworker with a Viewer license in our org making sketches but I don't see those populating in the same map I have opened in ArcPro. Would love to know how you're doing this.


@RussRobertsthanks for the updates. How soon would you anticipate rolling this out/do you have a recommended workaround? Thanks


Hello everyone, it is the new year and trying to see where ESRI is on timelines for this enhanced widget? Q1, Q2? 2014? ....2015? deployment ....?

Hey @RussRoberts can you check in with the AGOL team and get back to the group on timeline. 

The idea was first reported back in October of 2021. It went quiet and just recently has picked up steam again. We need to keep moving this fwd.  

If you want more non-GIS users in various companies to really embrace the ESRI's web mapping platform this is the tool to do it with. Being able to draw and share that vector polygon is a must. 

Too many times we are seeing everyone run back to open source Google Earth just because they can overlay the data and draw their polygon(s) and export the kmz and share it back with GIS. It is time to close the loop and deploy the workflow needed inside our ESRI webmaps.  

1. Build webmap(s)

2. Publish / deploy webmap(s) to non-GIS staff 

3. Enhanced widget let our users create polygons for their AOIs or whatever their needs are and then export that back to the GIS team in standard ESRI formats.  

Thanks everyone who is supporting this thread and thank you @SarahWillett for this idea almost 3 years ago. Let us get it done here in 2024!


Just adding voice to this request.
I'm working on a project to map fire station response polygons via participatory data collection. Low GIS and tech knowledge from the participant population. Sketch layers would be ideal except there is no export for collection. 


As my company has been using the sketch tool for a long time for map markups and edits from others using the same user type, I find it puzzling why I cannot use the sketch tool between different user roles and types. The fact that only the author of the map can save sketches in that maps seems a little of an oversight from Esri. I am not here to complain but it would be helpful to be able to share sketches that anyone makes despite what user or role types they are.

Thanks for listening