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ArcGIS Online Print Templates

04-24-2019 10:15 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Organizations that rely on ArcGIS Online for their GIS need the ability to design simple print templates in the browser and make those templates available to the default print service. 

  1. Support for print templates as items in ArcGIS Online
  2. Support for the default print service to be pointed to print templates to build a list of templates available. I think this should be a parameter list so that things like the Print Widget can be used to populate the list.
  3. Support for standard ArcGIS Online security/sharing so that print templates can be secured if needed
  4. A new WYSIWYG layout editor app in ArcGIS Online (not looking for ArcGIS Pro here just basic elements). Allow users to define:
    1. the map frame
    2. text boxes
    3. images (PNG, JPEG, SVG, etc.)
    4. legend (needs better options for handling overflow of legend items than the way it works now)
    5. scale bar
    6. north arrow
    7. simple graphics (points, lines, and polygons)
    8. page orientation
    9. page size
    10. support for Shared Theme

I know the trend in GIS is to go all digital, but in my opinion there are still many users that need access to printable maps that quickly convey a story to the person looking at it.


@mattmerc I was able to enable the north arrow on my ExB map...:


that said, we need ESRI to allow us to use our own PAGX templates in AGOL, without the need to spam up an arc server just to do that...and advanced as server basic doesn't allow for printing services



Thanks @JoabelBarbieri . I ended up going to experience builder also to get the north arrow and it allowed for the rotation of the maps which is nice too. Ran into an issue where the print widget does not obey the same symbol rotation reference as the ExB map. Map shows correct geographic direction rotation, print widget draws them with arithemetic (I think). Driving my client nuts as the print is literally the last step and they spent much time fixing the directions using the ExB app. Getting there!


Must have please.  We have a need to get our tech staff out of the middle of correlating information and the pdf to house the data.  A Web App does not solve that problem.


Looks like this is available in AGOL now.  I can get my uploaded .pagx layout to be available for printing in Map Viewer, but I can't find any way to use it from the Print widget in Experience Builder.


not sure why this isn't coming from ESRI but the templates are available as beta, but only for professional and professional plus users (which 200+ of my users are not) 

There is also a credit cost for each print

Customize your print layout experience in ArcGIS Online (

Once we get through the beta hopefully creators will be able to use it - comment on the blog with any functionality you feel is needed


I didn't notice the 'Professional' requirement!  That makes it kind of pointless.  Obviously, the 'Professional' users can just do it in ArcGIS Pro where they created the layouts in the first place!


A credit cost for each print ha. At this rate, ESRI will be charging us a credit per mouse click soon!


So annoying, given how poor AGOL templates are, that the new custom template capability is only available to those with a Professional user..... We're an Esri Enterprise organisation with AGOL and Portal, but I can't, for our 200 users in AGOL, give them a decent print template .... still.


...Customize your print layout experience in ArcGIS Online (

...comment on the blog with any functionality you feel is needed

Four weeks of comments, and no responses from ESRI.  It appears they are ignoring the comments for now.  😞