ArcGIS Online - Order Popups same as Legend

11-02-2012 03:01 PM
Status: Implemented
New Contributor III

When you have overlapping map layers that have popups, there is a bar at the top that allows you to toggle to the next layer.  0EME0000000TTcH

But there is no way to control the order of which popup is displayed first.  Please give control to this, or make popup come up in the same order as the legend.


This continues to be a frustration, we moved to a the new version of portal and it is a persistent request of our users as we do retraining. 


I will go ahead and add my name to the list of users  frustrated by this obvious need. No way to order the popups is just ridiculous.


ESRI please allow us to set the pop-up order. It is very confusing to end users to always get different results. We are trying to present information to the public and inconsistencies in how it is returned are frustrating. Give us the choice to have slower returns but correct returns.


Bumping this a little more...the first thread I found was from 2014. Nearly 10 years later and this is still a thing? Really? I wanted to come here and find that the problem had been solved already. 😊


Disappointing that the answer to this issue is to tell my users too bad, they have to cycle through coincident popups, making me look bad. Please fix this within the next 10 years, since it has apparently been a known issue since 2012

by Anonymous User

463 Kudos and silence? Esri, come on, please! 

Engineers I work for rarely appreciate "Esri doesn't allow that" as an answer.


Popup order is incredibly important to users. As phenomenal as ExB is not having control over the popup order of coincident or intersecting features detracts from the experience.  


I asked about this during a Map Viewer seminar at the IUC yesterday. They said they have no intention of making this important change. What I heard was that 'it was too technologically challenging' and 'one layer might bog down the whole map.'  They know people really want it fixed and they apparently do not care.

by Anonymous User

@GrantWilcox really? Wow. That's sad.


@GrantWilcox thanks for asking