Allow grouped elements to be turned off individually when adjusting map appearance in Story Maps.

06-16-2022 07:37 AM
Status: Closed
Occasional Contributor III

The additions of groups to the new map viewer is very helpful and makes organizing maps with many layers very easy. Unfortunately, if you plan to use that map in a story map and individually display some of those layers, then you can't use groups as the story map will only give you the option to show and hide all grouped items rather than the layers nested under it. This is what the layer looks like in the ToC of the web map:



In the Story Map, you only have the option to toggle off the group. You can't show or hide layers indivdually. 




Looks like it's in product plan! See here: Possibility to toggle visibility of sublayers in g... - Esri Community


Status changed to: Closed

As noted above, this is a duplicate idea. Closing this one in favor of Possibility to toggle visibility of sublayers in g... - Esri Community