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Add "The input has a selction. Records to be processed: n" to Analysis in Map Viewer

03-03-2023 03:39 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor III

Wiht the Map Viewer you can set a "Processing extent" (Environment settings) but not based on a Selection.


I need to run the Analysis only for the new records of my Feature layer. In ArcGIS Pro this is possible by selecting the new records.

I then would like to update the results to the existing Feature layer with the 50 drive time Polygon.

Here is a concrete example:

I have a feature layer that contains 50 locations (points). I have already calculated travel time polygons for these.
Now 30 new locations have been added for which I have to calculate the travel time polygons.
I have added these new locations to my existing feature layer.
Now I want my WebApp, which uses both feature layers (location points and travel time polygons), to be updated.
I don't want to create new feature layers whose symbolisation I have to adapt again and link to the apps. Some kind of select and update of an existing Feature layer with new Analysis results would be great.



Hi @LouisFreytag,

Can you make use of the Filter option to only analyze a subset of your data?
If you use Filter in Map Viewer, only those features that meet the filter criteria will be used in the analysis.

For example, when I filter the layer USA Census States to only Minnesota, only that feature is used in the analysis.






Hi @AmandaRing ,

the filter option works perfectly to analyze a subset of the data. Thank you very much!

The only thing missing now is the possibility of adding the results generated in this way to an already existing Feature layer. Using the History Field, it is already possible to calculate the analysis with the same settings for the new selection.



Glad to hear the filter did what you wanted. In Map Viewer Classic, there is an analysis tool called Merge Layers that could combine your results. It is not yet available in Map Viewer, but will hopefully be there by summer 2023.