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Ability to display and select all members when managing settings for existing users on the Members tab

02-08-2023 05:38 AM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

It is easy for Administrators to configure new member defaults in ArcGIS Online for settings like add-on licenses, user type/role, and credit allocations. However, existing member management is constrained by the ability to only select up to 100 members at a time (i.e., the maximum number of members that can appear on a page) when attempting to make bulk changes on the Members tab. Please enable the ability for Administrators to "select all users" to implement bulk updates when using the Manage add-on licenses, Manage user types (and roles), and Manage credits functionality via the Members tab.

Example use cases for this enhancement in a higher ed context include:

  • Assigning all organization members a newly-available add-on license
  • Updating all organization members to a new custom role with added privileges
  • Resetting/increasing all organization members' credit allocation at the beginning of a semester

Having the ability to bulk configure/manage existing members without using custom code would be a game changer! I endorse this idea. 


Totally agreed. Also related to this idea: 

AGOL Admin: Make User Filters Work




Here is why this is critical, and should have been done before the rollout of new licensing methods:

This is the end of a long email chain I was watching in realtime while recovering from pneumonia:

"Ok, just to close the loop on this. I spoke with Esri and it seems that along with our license roll over on Jan 29th, Esri updated all 4000+ plus user profiles to a new Professional Plus user type that includes all of the previously manually assigned add-on extensions. This meant all these users now have double assigned extensions leaving us with negative ArcGIS Pro extensions for users, probably blocking some log-ins. The solution is for me to manually unassign them in AGO one hundred users at a time! So, I'll do that now, after which the messages should go away. Let me know later if there are still log in issues."

Here is the Slack message from the colleague who had to deal with it, after he wrote to our users:

"OMFG, I have to remove the old extensions for 4000 users one page at a time (60 users at a time) for like 10 old extensions that are being depreciated by Esri."

For anyone interested in that math, that's 666 (appropriate) paginations to work through. 

This is not ok.


Yep.  I went through this myself.

This is also related to an idea posted by Stace:

There are links to other related ideas in Stace's.