Hello everyone,
Configuration: ArcGIS Server 10.2.2, ArcSDE 10.2.2 using Oracle.
Issue: Feature Layer from SDE does not show any data in FeatureServer ArcGIS Online.
My steps:
- selected editable feature class in ArcSDE 10.2 instance. The layer is versioned,
- created a mxd with only this layer. Shared as Service, checked Feature Access and published it in my local server
- created in ArcGIS Online a Feature Layer pointing to the Feature Server in my local server:
After creating the Feature Layer in ArcGIS online, what I do not understand is why my service URL becomes:
I need the Feature Layer to point locally to my server not to services.arcgis.online
How can I do that?
After creating the Feature Layer in ArcGIS online, what I do not understand is why my service URL becomes:
So then why are you creating the FeatureLayer in AGOL?
If you want to just use your local server then just just use your local server url.
Hi Robert,
I created a Feature Layer in AGOL pointing to my local FeatureService, but then when I check the Overview tab, for the feature Layer it shows an URL in ArcGIS Online.
I remember that I was able to do that may be to one previous version 10.0, because it created "Feature Layer" but now AGOL creates "Feature Layer (Hosted)".
How do I create a Feature Layer that points to my local layer for editing purposes?
If you are adding this FeatureLayer to a Web Map using Map Viewer in AGOL then just click Add layer > from web > and enter your local servers url. Maybe you are not explaining your desired end result or what type of online app you are creating.
I am currently testing web editing with AGOL pointing to an SDE feature class.
I tested also the option "Add layer > from web >" but the layer is not editable in this case, and all the set up you can do in a Feature Layer for editing is missing.
I already tested web editing with AGOL in 2014, but then by default AGOL created "Feature Layer" now it creates "Feature Layer (Hosted)"
Steps in AGOL:
- create Feature Layer
- Create Map
- Create WebApp using a template for Edit.
If I add a FeatureServer url to my local machine in a web map on AGOL I do not have any issue editing.
Hi Robert,
Is your FeatureServer pointing an SDE Feature Class? Or are you publishing your data on a FGDB or shape?
There is a requirement for the layer to be coming from a SDE Geodatabase for you to even be able to publish a FeatureServer service.
Hi Robert,
I am using a polygon feature class for testing purposes where the conditions listed in your link apply.
When using a FeatureLayer pointing to a FeatureServer all information relative to the feature class such as symbols, attribute fields is visible and I can change it. But it looks like the feature is empty because the table view is empty and there is no shape in the map.
Hello again,
I am able to edit the FeatureLayer/FeatureDataset with Web Map. So I think I understand how the whole process works, instead of pointing to my local server it makes a copy of the layer in services.arcgis.com but without records. This is why it is empty.