Hi I am trying to follow the documentation to convert a dataframe into a feature collection.
Here is the code I am using:
import json
groups_stats_fc_dict = dict(groups_stats_fc.properties)
groups_stats_fc_json = json.dumps({"featureCollection": {"layers": [groups_stats_fc_dict]}})
groups_stats_item_properties = {'title': 'AGOL Group Statistics',
'description':'AGOL Group Statistics' ,
'tags': 'arcgis ,python, api, pandas, csv',
'type':'Feature Collection'}
group_stats_item = gis.content.add(groups_stats_item_properties)
The item is created but when I try to access it nothing shows up...
Any ideas?
Hi again Asaf!
I suspect there's an issue with the dataframe being passed in. Have you verified that the dataframe is valid and being imported correctly? When you call groups_stats_fc does it return <FeatureCollection>? You should also verify that groups_stats_fc_dict is valid.
Here's some more info on the import_data method: arcgis.gis module — arcgis 1.8.2 documentation
The dataframe seems to be valid.
When I call the groups_stats_fc it returns <FeatureCollection> and the groups_stats_fc_dict seems to be valid as well:
Any other ideas?
In the last line, call:
This should make it vieweable on maps in ArcGIS Online.