Our scenario has a truck leaving the depot with an empty roll-off garbage container. The truck will go to a customer location, swap the full container with an empty container, carry the full container to a landfill to empty, then return to the depot to sanitize the container. At this point the truck is available for a second run of the same setup.
We tried adding three orders (pickup location "A", dump location "B", sanitize location "C"), then adding two order pair records (FirstOrder "A"+SecondOrder "B", FirstOrder "B"+SecondOrder "C"). The solver returned an error "Order pairs has a FirstOrderName value for an order that is already paired."
How can we setup a VRP to solve this scenario?
Hi @GarrettMelvin The VRP doesn’t support chaining pairs. You might try using a single pair that links the customer location with the landfill and force the trip back to the depot using capacities. Your landfill order fills the truck and forces a renewal.