I) path tasks:
1.Find path upstream You place a flag and it finds the direct path to the SOURCE using weights
2. Find path You place two flags and it finds the direct path between the two flags using weights
II) upstream tasks: FIND Paths will use any weights you have built into your Geometric Network. Trace will simply find the most direct route.
1. Find path upstream
2. Find upstream accumulation
3. Trace upstream
III) Trace and Find: Same answer. Trace finds the most direct route, FIND uses the path of least resistance.
1. Trace upstream
2. Find path upstream
I) path tasks:
1.Find path upstream You place a flag and it finds the direct path to the SOURCE using weights
2. Find path You place two flags and it finds the direct path between the two flags using weights
II) upstream tasks: FIND Paths will use any weights you have built into your Geometric Network. Trace will simply find the most direct route.
1. Find path upstream
2. Find upstream accumulation
3. Trace upstream
III) Trace and Find: Same answer. Trace finds the most direct route, FIND uses the path of least resistance.
1. Trace upstream
2. Find path upstream
I suppose it depends on how you are going to use the GM. I work for an electric utility. for us it is essential that we have things linked together correctly from Substation to Meter. We use it to make sure the are no loops, (meaning a short circuit where the electricity loops back on itself).
We need 100% connectivity in order to export features to WindMil for load management purposes. If you wish to use the GM for routing you need it intact.
Also, we use it for analysis in load management to determine how many miles of conductor we have of each phase. we can use it to determine the number and size of transformers on a particular section of line. Also it can be used as a basic outage management tool. You place a flag on each customer that calls in an outage and do Find Common ancestors and have it only search for sectionalizing devices.
If you have built yours with weights you can use find upstream accumulation to determine the resistance to the destination