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Solving Traveling Salesmen Problem  using arcobjects.

03-15-2012 06:04 AM
Emerging Contributor
I have to find solitions of TSP problem using arcobjects but I don't have any ideas. How can � deal with this problem.
Any body can help me to find Tsp solitions network analayst
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12 Replies
Deactivated User
You can check that you really need to use ArcObjects for that because there are two solvers in the Network Analyst extension - Route and Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) which can partly help you here.

Route can give you a solution: given a group of points to visit a best sequence can be found (respecting time windows).
VRP can give you a solution: given a group of points and vehicles to visit a best sequence can be found (respecting time windows).

The Help pages are really good, refer to:
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Emerging Contributor
thanks Alexey Tereshenkov.

I need to find Traveling salesmen problem solution.

I solved route problems using network analayst extensions  but Salesmen in tsp problem visit series of points and he must return starting point after end point . I have found some route using U-turn restrictions. ı cant solve tsp.

Network Analyst extension - Route and Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)  can give me solition but ı did not understans how can I use this extensions.
Do you have any document to learn using of extensions. I am student so ı dont have enough information. Please help me..
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Deactivated User
but Salesmen in tsp problem visit series of points and he must return starting point after end point

You could create a duplicate of your start point to make this copied location an end point of the route.

but ı did not understans how can I use this extensions.

Unfortunately, the only way to learn how to use the Network Analyst extension is to read the help and do some tutorials.

There is a very good tutorial with the data on how to get started with the extension and prepare the network dataset data.
You can find other tutorials at You might also check the ArcGIS 10.1 Resource Center if you have access to these pages:
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MVP Emeritus
Take a look here for the 9.3.x description of Network Analyst algorithms. And here for 10.x tutorial. Specifically page 30.  After you get a good understanding of the software, you can take a look at the developers pages and get into the gory details of ArcObjects.
That should just about do it....
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Emerging Contributor
thank you everybody

I find a solitions using Route and Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). and I find a sample arcobjects code for VRP but I have arcengine 9.3 but samples code writing for desktop 10.
Dou you know how can I run  engine 10 code  in arcengine 9.3.
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Deactivated User
You can find more samples specifically for ArcGIS Engine 9.3 here:

Go to Working with ArcGIS components > Network Analysis > Transportation networks.
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Emerging Contributor
this is a useful thread

I have the same problem here

I have a graduation project about salesman problem
I have 15 market (stop points ) I will start from one of them then return to it again

can you help me to do this by finding the shortest rout between them by using enumerations algorithm as it is the best

as I see in this Image

and also I want to create a program with arcobjects to be used like this one

the test on arcmap

I found this photos at this pdf

but there are no details on how to make this in arc gis ( just results )
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