Hi, I'm trying to process a Navteq Navstreets native 2014.3 dataset (BB_Q314 - Belgium), but after 57 steps i have the following error:
Calculating the distance, speed, and language fields... Value does not fall within the expected range. at ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPolycurveGeodetic.get_LengthGeodetic(esriGeodeticType geodeticLineType, ILinearUnit pLU) at GPProcessVendorDataFunctions.ProcessNavStreetsDataFunction.CalculateMetersKPHAndLanguageFields(String outputFileGdbPath) at GPProcessVendorDataFunctions.ProcessNavStreetsDataFunction.Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages messages) Failed to execute (ProcessNavStreetsData). Failed at ...
I've tried it with several ArcGis for Desktop versions (10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2), with a smaller dataset, with different specifications in the tool (gdb 10, gdb 10.1, metric), background geoprocessing is disabled, ... . My work folder is c:\navteq. Does anybody has the same error and/or a solution for this? Very frustrating...
I have found the solution myself... there were probably 2 causes of the problem.
1. Navteq delivered the dataset with no projection files, so I added them with ArcCatalog
2. There was probably an UTF-8 problem, so I added an cpg file to every shape I needed. I also installed a patch for ArcGis for Desktop 10.2.1 who solves a bug with UTF-8
Did you use the streets processing that is available at ArcGIS.com , or somewhere else? I am getting ready to process my network and want to make sure I am using the most recent tools. I am on 10.2.1
Excuse me for the late response...
Yes I've used the tools from ArcGis.com and processes the dataset with ArcGis 10.2.1.
thanks for the response. It worked for me on 10.2.1. I had a wacky where thousands of streets had the same name, but we tracked that down to bat input data.