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Network analyst final polygon error.

01-11-2021 05:56 PM
New Contributor

Hello, folks. 

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I'm trying to make a pretty simple service area using Network Analyst. Earlier, I was able to successfully do this, but now the final service area isn't coming out correctly. I'm using the same shapefile for facilities, the same settings, the same network dataset, the same everything as best I can tell.

In my two images, the map with the green dots for "facilities" looks the way it's supposed to, with a service area measuring out to 3900ft. The map with the red dots for "facilities" - however - makes a totally inaccurate service area that makes no sense.

Any advice? Thanks in advance.

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Looks like you are getting a larger service area polygon. It is likely that the costs or distance attribute on the network dataset is not behaving correctly. Can you make a new service area on that network dataset with one facility set to 3900 feet and does it solve correctly?

Jay Sandhu

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New Contributor

Thanks for the advice, Jay.

It turned out in the end that just totally rebuilding the network dataset fixed my problem. I don't know why, maybe the previous one got corrupted somewhere along the line.

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