Something like this....
So, i define time start on options, ok, done, 8.00AM for example
Them solve problem, finding solution, i arrive ate node, bus stop at 9h00 am, should wait at 9h15am them go ....
The problem is something like time windows, bus should not exist violation time. In simple route problem, network analist permit having violation time, something that could not exist in a bus stop line, that exist departure times not flexibles.
The problemm, too, is that , i could have a rout that, i arrive at node at 9h16 anda have a 1min, of violantion time, in the solution, but i can't departure of node at 9h16 because bus departs at 9h15, and if i arrive at node at 9h16, i should wait at 10h15am.
So the solution i think found is that, the time to wait on a node , is minimus time of the diference between arrive time and departure time, like:
Arrive time 9h00:
Time on node:
min{Time1(8h15)-arrive time; Time2(9h15)-arrive time; Time3(10h15)-arrive time}
min{-45min; 15min; 1h15min}
min{ko; 15;75}
select 15 min to time on node!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!