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Multimodal networks solved route in Directions window

01-23-2013 01:31 AM
Deactivated User
Hi folks,

I am trying to set up directions for the multi-modal network routing. It's working fine connectivity-wise, and I can get routes going through various types of networks such as metro and railway networks.

However, I am not able to see any directions that are specific for this type of transit. I'd expect Network Analyst showing in the Directions window instruction similar to "Go to the metro station / take metro" and "Step off the train / take train" and so on. This is how we get information on ferries/roundabouts/etc. - there are special tags for that. However, I cannot see any of these types of instructions that pertain to taking buses, metro, trains etc. in the NA directions file (resources.xml) and am wondering if this is implemented. I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 SP1.

My current workaround is adding these types of instructions in the name fields (basically adding "metro station" and "taking train" strings) with the Field Calculator and then using the extended name fields as well as prefixes fields with custom text instructions when configuring Directions in the Network Dataset Properties window.

Any other applicable suggestions?

Thank you.
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