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Loading speed of  Demand points of location-allocation model is very slow..

05-30-2013 10:03 AM
Deactivated User
Hi Everyone,
I have 50000 demand locations for my research work. It took about 10 hours to load the 50000 points into demand points(as shown in figure) of Location-Allocation extension of ArcGIS 10.1.
I have created all polygon files (points, lines) in a file geodatabase and try to load the demandLocations into the DemandPoints of location-allocation extension of ArcGIS (as shown in figure).

Please help me and let me know is there any other/faster way to load locations to the Location-allocation module of ArcGIS10.1.

Thanking You.

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6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
That process should take a minute not hours. Most likely you do not have a good spatial index on your street feature class that is taking part in the network dataset. You should bring up the properties of the street feature class in catalog and click on the Indexes tab and see if the index exists. Create it or delete and recreate it.

Another thing you can do when you have to reuse the same points many times for loading into different NA layers AND your network dataset is not changing, you can use the Calculate Locations tool to pre-compute the network locations and then load them into the NA layer using the network locations fields (not geometry) option.

Jay Sandhu
Deactivated User

This is the most useful response I have ever got on a thread. 

You have literally saved me days. The spatial index made all the difference.

Many many thanks.

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Deactivated User
Thank you J. Sandhu and appreciated for your time.
I have tried a lot figure out the problem of slow loading of data into Facilities & demand Points NA layers with my 50000 location points but i failed to do so. Sometimes it is taking less time sometimes more than 10 hours.
Lets see the spatial index of two roadnetwork data layers. I believe both have same spatial index defined but one (1st figure) took minutes and other (2nd figure) took more than 10 hours or more.

Please can you explain with an example or tutorials. Let me provide a material which can clarify my problem.

Figure -1 (took 20 minutes to upload 50000 points) [ATTACH=CONFIG]24843[/ATTACH] and figure-2 ( waited for 10 hours and only 4000 data points were uploaded) [ATTACH=CONFIG]24844[/ATTACH]

Please look these figure and help me to clarify the issue of slow loading of data into the model.
I really feel frustrated with this issue.

Thanking you.
God Bless you.
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Esri Regular Contributor
One the data which takes longer to load, remove the spatial index and create it again. This is to make sure it is not a bad index for some reason.

Since you have more than one network dataset in the same feature dataset, do they all cover the same area? I am wondering if the spatial reference may not be correct for one of them. Can you create a new feature dataset and put the slow performing data into that (make sure the spatial reference for the feature dataset matches the feature classes you will put in).

Also, how large is the feature class (number of streets) in the slow performing data?

Jay Sandhu
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Deactivated User
Thank you Jay.
It worked after recalculating the spatial index.
I have one more question related to ArcLogistics.
What is the differences between ArcLogistics and Nwtwork Analyst extensions?
My research area is modeling Biofuel supply logistics. Do you believe ArcLogistics have more capability and advanced tools than Network Analyst ?

Thanking you for your help and contribution to solve my problem.

God bless you.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Glad to know it worked.
As far as ArcLogistics, it is an end user application that is built on top of the VRP solver in Network Analyst extension.
ArcLogistics makes it simpler and more focused to use the VRP capabilities for delivery type applications. But is not as customizable as the VRP solver. In addition to the VRP solver, the network analyst extension has other solvers like the Location-Allocation solver for locating facilities.

Jay Sandhu
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