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How to Import Existing line features into line barriers layer for network analysis route solving

10-18-2023 03:48 AM
Regular Contributor

We're using the network analysis ext to calculate a safe walking route from stop A to a school. 

We have a list of unsafe walking routes as a polyline feature & want to import these into the polyline barriers feature so that when we click on Run Pro knows to avoid picking these unsafe walking routes & calculates a safe walking route. 

I tried to append from the polyline fc to the polyline barrier then ran a solve but no solution was found  - any ideas?

Also how to get the route solve to work in a way where it recognises one central point e.g a school then the other stops as all needing to need their own individual route solving from the multiple stops to the school.

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

You can import the line barriers or use the Add Locations to add them to an existing NA route layer. When you add these, make sure to set them as added cost and not a restriction. And give a value for the added cost. See doc for more info:

Barriers—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation


If you append and no solution was found then most likely these lines are acting as restrictions and not an added cost/delay.

As far as your other questions about a central place like school, look at the Closest Facility Solver. Make the School the facility and other locations are incidents. Solve and you will get routes from each incident to the school.

Jay Sandhu

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Hi Jay,

Thanks for your help with this. The closest facility option has done what we wanted it to. However we now have further complications. The location data for each incident comes in via a survey123 which updates a feature layer. The submission includes the incident location(address of the person with uprn included) and also the facility name(name of chosen school) that it needs to link to. So we still want a route between incident and a specified facility, but now its hundreds of possible facilities not just one. The facility names in the survey are pulled in from a layer on our SDE. We would like to use model builder to run this as an automated task during out of hours so any new submission from the survey will have a route calculated and saved to the feature layer by the morning.





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Esri Regular Contributor

I am trying to understand what you are trying to achieve. So do you have an incident and a facility pair that you need to route to? And you have many sets of these? So closest facility is not a solution?

So one way would be to have a closest facility layer with one facility and all the incidents that need to route to it. Solve that and write out the results. Load (replacing the previous) another set of incidents and 1 facility and repeat.

Or you can use the Route solver. Load in every pair of incident/facility with a common ROUTENAME property and solve. This will let you solve multiple shortest paths (between defined start/end locations) together.

Jay Sandhu

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Regular Contributor

Hi @JaySandhu ,

So a member of the public will submit a survey and that data will include their address as a point and their choice of school chosen from a list. What we want to do is generate the walking routes from their point address to their chosen school. There are hundreds of schools to choose from as they could live anywhere in the County. I have closest facility working for a single school and a few addresses, I get the individual routes etc. Now we are stepping things up to try and work out how we can process the data coming in from the survey. The end result we are hoping for is to build a model that will be automated to run overnight, and that model will generate the walking routes for all new survey submissions.


Thanks for your help so far and I would appreciate any further comments you feel might guide me in the right direction!!



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