The network topology, that is, the from/to junctions for each edge is stored in the binary files of the network dataset. In general you do no need this information. May I ask what you intend to do with that information?The way to get this information is to use ArcObjects to retrieve the values from the network dataset.I am including a small VBA that you can run (if you have VBA installed) and it will write out the edge OID and the two from/to junction OIDs to a text file. Make sure the network dataset is added to ArcMap as the first layer when you run this VBA.Jay SandhuPublic Sub List_ND_Topology_ToDisk()
Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
Dim pNLayer As INetworkLayer
Set pNLayer = pMxDoc.FocusMap.Layer(0)
Dim pND As INetworkDataset
Set pND = pNLayer.NetworkDataset
Dim pNQ As INetworkQuery
Set pNQ = pND
Dim pEnumNE As IEnumNetworkElement
Set pEnumNE = pNQ.Elements(esriNETEdge)
Dim pFromJunction As INetworkJunction
Set pFromJunction = pNQ.CreateNetworkElement(esriNETJunction)
Dim pToJunction As INetworkJunction
Set pToJunction = pNQ.CreateNetworkElement(esriNETJunction)
Dim pNE As INetworkElement
Set pNE = pEnumNE.Next
Dim pNEdge As INetworkEdge
Set pNEdge = pNE
Dim i As Integer
Open "c:\temp\ND_FromTo.csv" For Output As #1 'set path as needed
Print #1, """EdgeOID"", ""FromOID"", ""ToOID"", ""Lenght_Attribute"""
Do Until pNE Is Nothing
pNEdge.QueryJunctions pFromJunction, pToJunction
Print #1, pNE.OID; ","; pFromJunction.OID; ","; pToJunction.OID; ","; pNE.AttributeValue(1)
Set pNE = pEnumNE.Next
Close #1
End Sub