hello everyone
I have one small clarification regarding network analysis service.
After installing the Arc GIS Server enterprise advanced edition, if i want to create network anaysis service i have to go first ArcMAP. In Arc MAP 10 having network analysis tool to create the network service.
We have installed Arc GIS Server 10 ( advanced edition) in one system(maintained seperate server) and Arc MAP 10 another system. but if iam creating network analysis using arcmap 10 its aksing network analysis license file.
I am aware of them if i use Arc GIS server enterprise advanced edition no need to require seperate network license file.( based on ESRI Forum response)
My question is:
1) is it install both Arc GIS Server 10 enterprise advanced edition & Arc MAP 10 same system
2) If it is install seperate systems how to create the network analysis service using Arc MAP using Arc GIS Server enterprise advanced edition.
Can anyone help this