Thank you very much for your help.
Embarrassingly, it was me who wasn�??t aware that I should �??activate�?� the network analyst window. Once this came to my attention it was clear what needed to be done (I told you I was new at this 🙂 )
But I loaded my 442 facilities into the facility layer. However, it took my computer 3 hours to copy the cases in this facility-layer. Is this normal? (Because then I�??m in trouble since I also have to solve distance for populations of 13.000 facilities �?? NOTE: I do not have an exceptionally slow computer, nor a very quick one). However, after the 3 hours the facilities was in the right layer and I added an incidence. When asking network analyst to solve the distance between each 442 points and my incidence around 20 routs could not be calculated (otherwise the routes seemed correct). Since I�??m not that familiar with Network Analyst I�??m not sure whether it is normal that few routs can not be calculated? (my facilities is calculated based on geographical coordinates (ETRS_1989_UTM_Zone_32N)).
Thank you very much for your help