Background: We installed ArcGIS Monitor v2023.3.1 ten months ago. Keeping the retention period for the database of 6 months.
Issue: Yesterday, 6th Jan, the disk space filled up to 99%, on which the Progress database has been installed, and ArcGIS monitor server URL stopped responding.
Troubleshooting: We have freed some space from disk space and tried restarting the monitor service and the server; the ArcGIS monitor server URL is not accessible. We thought we can repair the ArcGIS monitor but we couldnot find the option on the control panel
Concern: Can we uninstall, fresh install the ArcGIS monitor server and reconfigure the existing posgress database so that we did not lose the past ten months data?
Can anyone provide me the steps for the same?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Ankita Gawai
Hi @AnkitaGawai,
Can you open a case with support regarding this issue? I think this will require a closer look than what I can provide over this forum.
@AnkitaGawai Did you try to rename the config-store folder and try if Monitor service starts correctly? Config-store folder is stored in directory C:\Users\<monitor service account>\AppData\Local\ESRI\ArcGISMonitor