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arcgis monitor not able to read azure logs

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07-26-2019 07:40 AM
Emerging Contributor


I have imported System log parser for azure in ArcGIS monitor 10.7 and passed required container name, access key and account key as input. but when I test the same, the extension is unable to read container logs. Is anyone encountered this issue?

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1 Solution

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Esri Contributor

Hello. Could you try to generate a usage report directly from System Log Parser?
To do this, navigate to the "System Log Parser for Azure" folder in Windows. The SystemLogsGUI.exe should be in this folder. This executable will allow you to use System Log Parser directly and can be used to test access and connectivity to your Azure instance.
If this also returns an error, can you list the specific message?


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5 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hello. Could you try to generate a usage report directly from System Log Parser?
To do this, navigate to the "System Log Parser for Azure" folder in Windows. The SystemLogsGUI.exe should be in this folder. This executable will allow you to use System Log Parser directly and can be used to test access and connectivity to your Azure instance.
If this also returns an error, can you list the specific message?


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Emerging Contributor

Hi Aaron

Thanks for your response. I have already tried the GUI option of system log parser and no success.

I have passed storage account name, key and container as input when I click Query it keep displaying message at status :

"Querying log data please wait (0 kb read)" and does nothing .

I have placed log file as well as .gz file in BLOB container but still not able to read logs.

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Esri Contributor

Hello. "When you say you have placed log files there", are these the access logs that are automatically generated via requests to the Site?
Also, can you try downloading Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer (a free tool) on the same machine you are running System Log Parser from and try connecting to your container with the same credentials?
Very interesting to see if you can browse the logs with Storage Explorer (



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Emerging Contributor

Hi Aaron

Thanks for your response and time.

While trying to connect azure logs using ArcGIS Monitor , I tried all options reading logs generated by site as well as uploading some logs and reading that but nothing works.

Also I have verified the Azure Storage Explorer and able to browse logs using same credentials used for ArcGIS monitor.


Pooja Gambhir

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Esri Contributor

To confirm, the logs you have are ApplicationGatewayAccessLog logs and not ApplicationGatewayPerformanceLog logs, correct?

Also, while I am not sure at the moment why you cannot consume the Azure logs from your container, there is one last thing we can try which may assist troubleshooting going forward. System Log Parser can also be run from the command line where additional parameters can be specified. From this mode you can turn on some application logging. 
However, you'll want to grab a development release of System Log Parser that has extra logging enabled for Azure.

From the development release folder of System Log Parser, run:
slp.exe -f azure -u ACCOUNTNAME -p ACCOUNTKEY -s CONTAINERNAME -eh now -sh 1day -validate true -apploglevel DEBUG

This will run System Log Parser and try to collect Azure logs over the last 24hrs with the specified credentials. Additionally, an application debug log will be created. This log is typically created in: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\System Log Parser\Logs

The contents of the log may provide clues as to which parts of the Azure connection or collection process are failing.



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