While trying to create analysis views, ArcGIS Monitor has become unresponsive and is stuck "loading", eventually returning "Error Knex: Timeout acquiring a connection. The pool is probably full. Are you missing a .transacting(trx) call?"
I restarted the Monitor and Postgres services and was momentarily able to get into ArcGIS Monitor before the behavior returned.
Any ideas what the cause and solution might be?
Hello, what does CPU and memory usage look like on the Monitor Server and PostgreSQL machines? Are these maxed out?
Hi, the CPU is usage is running between 5-10% and the memory usage is 45-50%.
In Monitor, navigate to Administration > Database. Does the database appear to be connected? Can you let me know what version of PostgreSQL you are using?
The database is connected. I am using PostgreSQL 15.4
@MarieCline_Delgado , did you set this new analysis as Home? If yes, please navigate to Analysis and change the home back, e.g. Sample Analysis (perhaps restart PG and monitor first?) . Next, evaluate which data expression in the new analysis is causing this condition and share it.
@AndrewSakowicz I did have the analysis set as home. I now have the Sample Analysis set back as the home. I also had the new analysis set as the System Default, which I have also changed back to the Sample Analysis.
I will continue working with the new analysis and see if the issues appear to have resolved. Thank you for the support!