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ArcGIS Monitor 2023 - Custom Notification - Status = Critical

06-26-2023 02:58 PM
New Contributor

How to set up a custom notification on a Collection where the alert status is Critical.

I have defined the Collection I want an alert on and the status under the Condition section. However, I am still receiving alerts on Warnings for the Collection. 



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5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello, which options do you have selected under "Operations"? I just tested this with the following configuration and it worked as expected. I triggered a warning alert and did not receive a notification. I then triggered a critical alert and received a notification.




Occasional Contributor

I had the same issue - where my Custom Notification was not working as described above.  It turns out the Collection was was stuck in a STATUS  of "ERROR" because and underlying observer was having a problem (event though data was still being collected).  Because the Collection status was ERROR, it would never change to WARNING or CRITICAL for any underlying metric that was really in a WARNING or CRITICAL state - and thus the Custom Notification did not work (because the Collection status remained in an ERROR status and never changed to CRITICAL). To resolve the issue, I had to drill down and find the Component that was in ERROR and UNREGISTER that component.  In my case, it was a few HOST components that were in a permanent ERROR status. Upon doing so, the COLLECTION status changed from ERROR to NOMINAL.  Then I added back the HOST components (re-registered the HOSTs) and everything started working - my COLLECTION eventually changed status from NOMINAL to WARNING or CRITICAL and I received an Email notification.Collection with status ERROR.JPG


Regular Contributor

Thank you @MBReither - I had been noticing an increasing number of things within Monitor with an 'Error' status and wasn't sure yet how to resolve. I'll try what you've suggested.


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Regular Contributor

I had the 'Error' status happen again with several 'Host' components over the weekend and made a discovery when going to resolve it this morning. Rather than unregistering the affected component and losing all of the history associated with it, if you go into Metrics you should see a number of metrics with that same Error status under 'Alerting'. If you simply enable the alert and disable it again (or v.v.) it will correct the status for that metric. Repeat for all affected metrics - it's tedious but unless there are dozens of metrics to correct probably still preferable to unregistering/re-registering.

We did some patching over the weekend and the server got rebooted - that's the only thing I can think of that could have caused the change in status since everything was fine when I was last using it on Thursday.

@Esri folks just let me know if you think this warrants a new/separate thread.


Regular Contributor

Thank you Chris. Althought a tedious process to turn on and off all metrics failing, the workaround fixed the issue.  

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