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Filter notifications based on message content in ArcGIS Monitor

03-20-2019 09:22 AM
Frequent Contributor
ArcGIS Monitor generates excessive alerts and emails, obscuring meaningful messages, due to WARNING-level Portal for ArcGIS messages that are not indicative of a problem.
One solution would be to change these from WARNING to INFO -type messages. 
Another solution is to add the capability to filter ArcGIS Monitor notifications based on message content, as captured in existing Esri ENH-000118377: Filter notifications based on message content in ArcGIS Monitor.
Proposed problem messages:
- 207075: The federated server does not have an ArcGIS Data Store registered as a managed database and cannot be set as a hosting server. (generated every five minutes for any configuration with more than one federated ArcGIS Server)
- 217060: The database server was found to be stopped. Re-starting it.
- 217064: The web server was found to be stopped. Re-starting it.


Thank you for submitting this great feedback, Paul. If you encounter any other log messages for either your portal or ArcGIS Server which you believe should have their type changed from "WARNING" to "INFO", please feel free to share them as well.  


I support the ability to filter messages in monitor based on the message content, rather than just downgrading from WARNING to INFO.  What I am experiencing is an overload of missing tile warnings:

e.g. "Tile (layer=_alllayers,mapname=[MapName], level=20, row=628,995, column=950,697) could not be found."

Our ArcGIS Servers are at v10.6.1 and we have a cached imagery service that covers the whole state of NSW, Australia.  We only have high resolution imagery over the metropolitan centres (cities & large towns) which are cached at higher resolutions than the rest of the state.  Therefore, in more remote areas, images at the higher levels are not created and are expected to be missing.  I have enabled resampling on the service, yet I am still bombarded with these missing tile warnings.  Having been through significant troubleshooting with ESRI (Case #02280912), I found that the WARNING messages are only created when you connect through a 10.2.1 client.  The messages have been downgraded to INFO in 10.6.1, yet because most of our users still connect with 10.2.1, the ArcGIS Monitor is swamped.  My only current solution is to delete the Log-WARNING default alerts in my ArcGIS Monitor which is far from ideal.  I do hope this functionality appears in newer releases of monitor, as theoretically we could continue receiving connections from old clients indefinitely, regardless of how up-to-date our Server environment is.


Hi Daniel,

This is currently logged with Esri Technical Support as #ENH-000118377 [Enhancement] Filter notifications based on message content in ArcGIS Monitor and is under consideration.


Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, Esri Technical Support indicated that this was not possible and was not a good idea in case #02286914 Reclassification of Portal for ArcGIS WARNINGs for ArcGIS Monitor, and instead associated us with #ENH-000118377 [Enhancement] Filter notifications based on message content in ArcGIS Monitor


Hi Paul, Thank you for this information - I looked into the case and hopefully have some good news to share. As of 10.7, we have indeed downgraded log code 207075 ("The federated server does not have an ArcGIS Data Store registered as a managed database and cannot be set as a hosting server.") from a WARNING to an INFO-level log entry.

At this time, the other log codes you identified above (217060 and 217064) have still been deemed most-appropriate at the WARNING-level, and would be best handled through improved filtering options like ENH-000118377 and this idea are requesting. While this is not completely addressing your concerns, I hope that the downgrade of 207075 can assist with your monitoring if you choose to upgrade to 10.7 or higher. 

I'd still like to understand if there are any other log codes that you are running into which you believe would be best downgraded from their current severity level, so please feel free to continue sharing them with us. Thank you again!


Hi Thomas / Paul.  Without wanting to butt in on somebody else's ticket, the warning code that is causing me issues is code 9516 for missing image cache tiles (as per my previous post).  This has already been downgraded to INFO but only when connection is via a 10.6.1 client (or a more recent version).  If there was a way to downgrade this to INFO for connections from older clients it would be great.  Otherwise, filtering at the monitor level will be an acceptable workaround.  I eagerly await a decision on the enhancement #ENH-000118377.


Good to know that there are other messages causing issues, and support for the enhancement request. At one point it sounded like it wasn't that far off, and I'll request an update from our technical account manager on Monday and let you know what we hear. Thanks!


Hi Thomas,

That's great news! The one floods our logs and Monitor. The others are less important and I'm happy to address those through filtering - once it's supported.

Thank you!

by Esri Contributor
Status changed to: Under Consideration