ArcGIS Monitor 2023 - Frequently Asked Questions

01-31-2023 09:06 AM

ArcGIS Monitor 2023 - Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few commonly asked questions about the upcoming release of ArcGIS Monitor 2023.

Q1. What is new in the ArcGIS Monitor 2023 release?

ArcGIS Monitor 2023 is a next generation release, completely different from earlier releases. It has a new architecture and internal framework. Feature highlights include:

  • Redesigned and improved UI/UX experience
  • Different architecture, leveraging agents
  • Installation support on Windows and Linux
  • Internal repository is no longer based on MongoDB; it uses PostgreSQL
  • Register enterprise GIS resources such as: hosts, databases, geodatabases, GIS servers and enterprise portals as components
  • Dynamically organize components via collections based on business needs
  • Labeling allows flexible annotation of monitored components
  • Improved and more flexible data metrics display capabilities
  • More configuration options when setting up alerts, notifications, and incidents
  • Subscribe to events and transmit them via email or webhooks through notifications
  • Access and integrate monitored data via ArcGIS REST services

Q2. Which releases of ArcGIS Enterprise is ArcGIS Monitor 2023 compatible with?

ArcGIS Monitor 2023 can monitor ArcGIS Enterprise releases 10.6 to 11.2.

Q3. Are there any training resources for ArcGIS Monitor 2023?

There are a couple of technical workshops from the Esri UC 2023,

1. ArcGIS Monitor: An Introduction video
2. ArcGIS Monitor: Operational Scenarios video

Blog: Getting Started with ArcGIS Monitor

Q4. Can ArcGIS Monitor 2023 be used with ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes?

Not yet. Support for ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes is planned for a future release.

Q5. Can ArcGIS Monitor 2023 be installed on the same machine as ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1? Can they run side-by-side on the same machine?

No, this is not a supported workflow - because Monitor 2023 has similar install directories as Monitor 10.8.1. We recommend you install Monitor 2023 on a separate machine from Monitor 10.8.1.

Both releases can be monitoring the same enterprise GIS deployment, but they must be installed on two separate machines.

Q6. How do we upgrade ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1 to ArcGIS Monitor 2023?

Since ArcGIS Monitor 2023 has a new and different architecture than Monitor 10.8.1, there is no direct upgrade option. Monitor 2023 also uses a different DBMS platform for its repository. This is a transition release, meaning Monitor 2023 will need to be a new installation.

Customers who are interested in "upgrading" their ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1 installation to Monitor 2023 can reach out to Esri professional services to get assistance.

Q7. How long will ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1 be supported? What is the product life cycle for ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1?

ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1 will continue to be supported following the ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.x product life cycle. However, there is no active development as it uses legacy technology under the hood. We strongly encourage customers to transition to the ArcGIS Monitor 2023 release when it becomes available.

Q8. Can I use the add-ins designed for ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1 in ArcGIS Monitor 2023?

No, this is not a supported workflow. The underlying architecture and framework for ArcGIS Monitor 2023 is completely different from previous ArcGIS Monitor releases. The add-ins for ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1 are not designed nor intended to work with the ArcGIS Monitor 2023 release.

Q9. Should organizations use ArcGIS Monitor in addition to other IT monitoring software (which you may already have)?

Yes. ArcGIS Monitor is specifically designed to monitor ArcGIS Enterprise deployments and has no impact on its performance. Monitor provides more detailed data metrics on ArcGIS Enterprise that 3rd party IT monitoring solutions don’t offer. It complements 3rd party IT monitoring solutions and provides a bridge between GIS and IT departments.

Last updated: April 1, 2024

Frequent Contributor

Are we still Q1 release date or has it changed?

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @John_Spence

ArcGIS Monitor 2023.0 is scheduled for release on Feb 7. 
So very soon!

Hope this helps,

Frequent Contributor

It most certainly does. Thank you @DerekLaw. It's going to be a great week next week.

Emerging Contributor

In ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1 there is the Http counter but ArcGIS monitor 2023 does not, will ArcGIS monitor 2023 have a gallery of additional add-ins with which to complement the monitoring? , is there a possibility to add components so that I can get metrics from a specific URL?

Thanks in advanced

Honored Contributor

Hi - so:

"ArcGIS Monitor 2023.0 can monitor ArcGIS Enterprise releases 10.6 to 11.0".

Will there be a 2023.1 release that can monitor ArcGIS Enterprise release11.1?

Occasional Contributor

Will there be any webinars or training opportunities with this new release?

Esri Esteemed Contributor

@JavierLlorenteSautu- There are plans to make some additional functionality available through custom observers in ArcGIS Monitor 2023. These will be separate and diffferent from add-ins that were made for Monitor 10.8.1. 

is there a possibility to add components so that I can get metrics from a specific URL? 

Can you please be more specific? What would you like to "monitor" exactly?

@DavidColey - Yes, there will be an ArcGIS Monitor 2023.1 release - unsure if it will be certified against ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 - it will depend on the release schedule. We're still scoping the Monitor 2023.1 release. 

@HillarySherrill  - Yes, we will have an Esri Training webinar for ArcGIS Monitor 2023 coming soon. I believe it is planned for late March or April.


Honored Contributor

Ok thanks @DerekLaw  - will the current 2023.0 release monitor the 11.1 enterprise release?  Why would it not?  I mean the 11.1 release is imminent and we have to move to it if want the enhanced Map Viewer and Form capabilities....

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @DavidColey

will the current 2023.0 release monitor the 11.1 enterprise release?  Why would it not? 

ArcGIS Monitor 2023.0 is NOT certified to work with ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 because the latter is not final and still undergoing final testing before its release. They might make some changes before final release. Since we already released ArcGIS Monitor 2023.0 we're unable to test against the final Enterprise 11.1 release and certify everything will work correctly. 

Hope this helps,

Honored Contributor

It does, thanks @DerekLaw  . And that is a fair assessment.  My guess is knowing you guys and knowing this architecture it probably will, but I understand you can't certify against what isn't finalized . . . 😊

Frequent Contributor

I haven't seen any info about upgrading from Monitor 10.8.1 to 2023. Do you have to uninstall 10.8.1 first? Does installing 2023 automatically uninstall 10.8.1? Or can they run side-by-side on the same server? That would allow us some transition time. Thanks!

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @JeffThomasILM,

I haven't seen any info about upgrading from Monitor 10.8.1 to 2023. Do you have to uninstall 10.8.1 first? Does installing 2023 automatically uninstall 10.8.1? 

1. Moving from Monitor 10.8.1 to Monitor 2023 is not an upgrade, it is a transition. This means you will need to do a new install of Monitor 2023. There is no upgrade, because the underlying archictures and frameworks between Monitor 10.8.1 and Monitor 2023 are very different. 

2. If you were to install Monitor 2023 on the same machine running Monitor 10.8.1, it would uninstall 10.8.1, then overwright all settings to install Monitor 2023. This is NOT a recommended workflow as there may be issues. Please don't do this.

Or can they run side-by-side on the same server? 

3. This is NOT supported.

We recommend that you install Monitor 2023 on a new server, then run both Monitor 10.8.1 and 2023 (on two seperate machines) and compare reported metrics for a couple of weeks to ensure everything is working well. 

Hope this helps,

Occasional Explorer

Hi @DerekLaw 
Thanks for the updates.
i was wondering about the extensions. are they some plan to add the extensions available in Arcgis Monitor 10.8.1 to Monitor 2023 
the monthly report , ssl certificate . systemlogparser , IIS system log viewer and ArcSoc optimizer


these are actually quite an importart part of any ArcGIS Monitor deployment




Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @anasga_81182

>  ... are they some plan to add the extensions available in Arcgis Monitor 10.8.1 to Monitor 2023 

The Monitor team is assessing each add-in and will add the functionality to Monitor 2023 on a case-by-case basis. We have a very large dev backlog and it depends on priority as well. For example, Monitor 2023 now supports both the eGDB and GeoEvent server monitoring add-ins from Monitor 10.8.1 as part of core functionality in Monitor 2023.

I would be interested in learning more about how you and your organization is using ArcGIS Monitor and get some requirements from you. Please send me an email: and we can discuss further.

Hope this helps,

Emerging Contributor

Thanks so much @DerekLaw, ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1 has the Http Counter that  allow you to track the HTTP response code, response time, content length, server time, and network time for specific URLs but in ArcGIS monitor 2023 there is nothing similar.

Thanks so much.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @JavierLlorenteSautu,

Thanks for your feedback. Please submit this as an enhancement request for Monitor 2023 on the ArcGIS Monitor Ideas page:

This will enable other customers to vote on it and help the Monitor team assess its priority.

Hope this helps,

Occasional Contributor

Hi, I have been watching the "Customizing and Integrating with ArcGIS Monitor" (march 2022) presentation and I wonder If there is already any documentation regarding the REST API? Also wonder if the Python files are already available anywhere?

Thanks in Advance

Sander, EsriNL

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @Sander

If there is already any documentation regarding the REST API?

We don't have any documentation on the ArcGIS Monitor REST API at this time. We're planning on documenting it in a future release. 

Also wonder if the Python files are already available anywhere?

Which python files are you referring to? Please send me an email: and we can discuss further.

Hope this helps,

Esri Esteemed Contributor


I would ask that users please post future questions in a new, separate email thread. Instead of commenting on this post.

Posting a new, seperate email thread will help other users find answers when they use the Search function in Esri Community.


Occasional Contributor

Hi there, the ArcGIS Monitor 2023.0 release is already here but we miss the official documentation of the product (in the early adopter plan we had it but now it seems it is still not published). Could you please confirm?

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @AmaiaMartinez,

the ArcGIS Monitor 2023.0 release is already here but we miss the official documentation of the product (in the early adopter plan we had it but now it seems it is still not published). 

FYI, the ArcGIS Monitor 2023 help documentation is available here:

Please post future questions in a new, separate thread. Instead of commenting on this post.

Hope this helps,

Emerging Contributor

My question surrounds the Monitor Database. Like previous versions, is a standalone database still required or does a lightweight postgres db come with the Product? I see the verbiage "it is recommended", would you mind clarifying?

In the documentation it states:

  • ArcGIS Monitor database—Stores system settings and all data metrics. It is recommended that you create a dedicated database and user for Monitor. Once Monitor Server is connected to the database, it manages the creation of the ArcGIS Monitor Information Model and the maintenance of its schema.


Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @JasonHansel1

My question surrounds the Monitor Database. Like previous versions, is a standalone database still required or does a lightweight postgres db come with the Product?

ArcGIS Monitor 2023 does NOT include postgreSQL. You will need to obtain your own instance of it. It should be easily available at no cost.

For future questions, I would ask that you please post in a new, separate email thread. Instead of commenting on this post. Posting a new, seperate email thread will help other users find answers when they use the Search function in Esri Community.

Hope this helps,

Version history
Last update:
‎04-01-2024 09:50 AM
Updated by: