More a MapServer/REST based operation question, but it's related to MCS.
I've created a service with MaritimeChartService enabled, it works fine. I can see all the layers.
Works good, no problems there. I want to isolate the Data Quality layer. I'm building a web app using this specific layer, is important that the end user can't see the other layers in the drop down menu (like pic above).
I can do that by adding "identify/8" to the URL, so it's .... MapServer/exts/MaritimeChartService/MapServer/identify/8".
If I load this URL in Pro it works, it isolates Data Quality.
However, my problem is when I load this into my Enterprise portal (Content > New Item > URL). I get an error message, no further error info.
How can I use this layer, and only this layer, from this service? It is for use in a web app, a separate layer that users will switch on/off to display navigational data quality boundaries.
FYI - I have figured out a way to do this, but it's inefficient. By creating a tile package layer (using MCSTPK), and only selecting the Data Quality layer. However using the Map Image Layer, is much easier/quicker to manage than dealing with tile packages.
Hi Jeremy,
The MapServer endpoint for ArcGIS Maritime Server's Maritime Chart Service capability is only seen as one Layer by the endpoint. We do have sub-layers, which is what you see in the table of contents and you can turn those on/off individually but you cannot load them individually. This is by design to support portrayal.
However, if you use our WMSServer endpoint, you can load individual sub-layers. The example shown is in ArcGIS Pro. I've added NOAA's ENC Online WMSSever endpoint using a WMS connection.
This allows you to add one or more of the sub-layers to your map. This could also be done in your app.
If you are unable to use WMS, then the other options is to create a dedicated map service that only has Data Quality as a sub-layer. There is a sample in the S52DisplayProperties.xml (ViewOverGroups_Sample4) that shows this for Soundings. Change the range value to be 31010 as shown below and make that your active OverViewGroups. A secondary map service can share the same datasets folder as descripted in this help topic.