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What’s new in ArcGIS Maritime for Enterprise 11.1

04-27-2023 03:38 PM
Esri Contributor
5 0 469

With the release of ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1, ArcGIS Maritime server extension enhancements include:

Introducing MCS for Linux

With the introduction of MCS for Linux, we’ve streamlined the installation process for Linux deployments and published an install guide to walk you through installing Maritime server and setting up Maritime Chart Service in Linux environments. While configuration and data management is largely similar to working in a Microsoft Windows environment, we’ve published dedicated resources for working with MCS in Linux. You’ll find that all the same MCS capabilities available for Windows deployments are available in Linux, including custom configuration and symbology, support for multiple map services, and the ability to create and deploy a tile package that can be used throughout ArcGIS and taken offline.

Note: Maritime server for Linux does not include Custom Chart Builder at this time.

Compass Rose

For those producing nautical charts using Custom Chart Builder (CCB), you can now insert a 3-inch compass rose in your chart products to help delineate true north and magnetic north. A dedicated JavaScript file is included in the 11.1 installation that can be used to configure and enable the compass rose. Label properties, symbols, and label expressions are stored within a layer file, including two delineation classes for labeling. Options include S4 and U.S. delineations. Learn how to enable the compass rose using label expressions in CCB and insert compass roses in your chart products prior to export. Once compass rose has been enabled, it can be inserted from the Compass Rose pane and placed anywhere in the chart.

To learn about other enhancements to MCS and CCB at 11.1, check out the What’s new page, and be sure to bookmark the new Maritime server homepage for easy access to all related resources.