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Upcoming Webinar: Leverage Maritime Data in ArcGIS Field Maps Applications

4 weeks ago
Esri Contributor
4 0 131


Join our webinar on May 20 from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. PDT! 

Learn how to leverage maritime data in ArcGIS Field Maps applications. In this session, Esri experts will guide you through the following topics:

  • Bringing authoritative maritime data into a geodatabase
  • Symbolizing data to international specifications
  • Creating and publishing a mobile map package
  • Using nautical data in the field

This workflow is supported in both connected and disconnected environments, empowering survey crews to quickly report new information crucial for navigation. Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) end users can receive real-time alerts, enhancing situational awareness. Additionally, ENC data can be edited offline, with changes seamlessly synchronized when a connection is available.

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