ArcGIS Runtime Local Server SDK 100.9

10-30-2020 03:20 PM
Esri Frequent Contributor
1 1 786

In September we released ArcGIS Runtime Local Server SDK 100.9. This incremental update maintained the support for map and geoprocessing packages created with ArcMap at 10.8.x and incremented the support for packages created with ArcGIS Pro to 2.6.


In addition to providing compatibility with ArcGIS Pro 2.6, the release of ArcGIS Runtime Local Server 100.9 enabled support for several new and existing geoprocessing tools. The following tools can now be used in your models and scripts, packaged with ArcGIS Pro 2.6, and used with ArcGIS Runtime Local Server in combination with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET, Java, or Qt.


3D Analyst toolbox / 3D Intersections toolset


Analysis toolbox / Overlay toolset


Data Management toolbox / Contingent Values toolset

Data Management toolbox / Feature class toolset

Data Management toolbox / Joins and Relates toolset


Data Management toolbox / Relationship Classes toolset


Network Analyst toolbox / Analysis toolset


Network Analyst toolbox / Network Dataset toolset


Spatial Analyst toolbox / Distance toolset


ModelBuilder toolbox

Deprecated tools

With the release of ArcGIS Runtime Local Server 100.9 we are also announcing some tool deprecations (matching their status in ArcGIS Desktop):

  • Cost Allocation
  • Cost Back Link
  • Cost Connectivity
  • Cost Distance
  • Cost Path
  • Cost Path as Polyline
  • Euclidean Allocation
  • Euclidean Back Direction
  • Euclidean Direction
  • Euclidean Distance
  • Path Distance
  • Path Distance Allocation
  • Path Distance Back Link


For more information see the following topics:


See the following topics for the complete list of ArcGIS geoprocessing tools supported for use with ArcGIS Runtime Local Server:


Several of these tools were enabled directly in response to your feedback here on Geonet and via Esri Support. If there are specific tools you would like to see enabled please let us know!


The ArcGIS Runtime Local Server Team

1 Comment
Esri Contributor

We are having some trouble creating Geoprocessing Packages using ArcGIS Pro. The Local Server does not recognize Input Feature Sets. Would you be so kind and take a look at the following post in the ArcGIS Runtime Qt section.

Input Feature Set is shown as GPString