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Scaling the map

09-22-2022 10:59 AM
New Contributor II


I am trying to display the layers like in this tutorial:

If I set the radius to 1 in the extent panel and set the shape to cirkel nothing is displayed.

When I set the radius to 100 then I start to see the buildings and maps. 

Can I set the radius >100 but scale the ArcGISMapActor so it fits on the table (2x2m)? Tried all the settings but nothing works. I've seen this work in the VR Experience demo with City Engine.


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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

When you set the radius to 1 you are only going to get a circle of 1 meter. That is valid but you need to be very close. Also the GIS content doesn't make sense in a 1 meter radius. You wouldn't see anything but like one block on a sidewalk.

The radius is the radius of the GIS content not the radius you want it to be in AR.
We currently can't scale down our content. You would instead need to multiply the camera movements by the inverse of the real world movement you want to scale it to.

In other words if you want a GIS circle of 100 m to be on a 1 m table you need to configure it so that if you walk forward 1 m it would actually move you 100 m in Unity.

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New Contributor II

Hi Matt,

Thank you for the reply and that would be a great feature to be able to scale the content. This way the usage will open complete new doors. 

We will try and get back to you on this:)



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New Contributor II

Hi @Mat 

Would it be possible to explain how you would approach this using Blueprints? 

I really appreciate all the help.




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