Hi, we are working on a project that involves drone simulation into Unreal Engine 5 using AirSim, more specifically its successor for UE5 Colosseum, which implies changing the GameMode Override. As soon as the simulation starts, the map loads only partially, corresponding to the tiles located in the pawn camera FOV at the very start of the simulation.
We have tested increasing the player start Z value as recommended in ESRI documentation, as well as increasing the Quality Scaling Factor, but it appears the problem lies in tile culling, which we wonder if it could be disabled, similarly as for Cesium Ion UE plugin, which allows for that option.
The attached images show how neither the base map nor the mesh are load "behind" the drone start when the simulation is launched, corresponding the latter to the opposite direction to the red axis. Is there a way of disabling the occlusion from those tiles outside the camera view? If so, can it be set for a radius around the pawn?
Thank you in advance.
This sounds like a great project, sorry to see it's not working as you expect.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for your help. Answering to your questions:
It sounds like when you don't have the custom GameMode Override, then all map content loads fine for both the front-facing camera and a 3rd person view of the drone?
It's possible something specific about the custom game mode isn't triggering the map to fetch more data. Can you share more details about the custom GameMode? (if you're not able to share this info here, feel free to email me at mbranscomb@esri.com.