Hello! Firstly thanks for all the hard work on the sdk, I can see it has a lot of potential.
Although in the editor preview everything works fine, my main issue is that once I click play, parts of the basemap and image layers in a global scene flicker inbetween black and normal. This occurs even when the image layer is turned off. I have attached a screenshot below.
In a local scene I have created, the same sort of issue occurs, however it flickers to white. (This scene also has a basemap and image layer.) I tried to take a screenshot of this but when the windows key is hit in the local scene, there is no more flickering.
I really want to continue using the plugin but it's unusable right now! Please help!
found the issue, I had an extra ArcGIScamera component in the level. Flickering fixed!
Hi! Another developer here, trying out the SDK on Unreal Engine. I'm experiencing something very similar, except that I'm trying to render out visuals using Unreal's Movie Render Queue. I have a camera that's being animated using Sequencer, and I've added the "ArcGISCamera" component to this camera. The animation starts very far from the scene origin, and is I get closer it will load different LODs for the basemap and some 3DGeometry layers I've added. Seems to me this is happening because it's getting the data from the server as it goes, and as it loads we see flickering due of the tiles being swapped out. Is there a way to cache or pre-load the layers? Or switch off dynamic loading?