Hello! Firstly thanks for all the hard work on the sdk, I can see it has a lot of potential.
Although in the editor preview everything works fine, my main issue is that once I click play, parts of the basemap and image layers in a global scene flicker inbetween black and normal. This occurs even when the image layer is turned off. I have attached a screenshot below.
In a local scene I have created, the same sort of issue occurs, however it flickers to white. (This scene also has a basemap and image layer.) I tried to take a screenshot of this but when the windows key is hit in the local scene, there is no more flickering.
I really want to continue using the plugin but it's unusable right now! Please help!
Can you share a video. I can't really tell what you are describing from the image.
Hi Matt,
The issue has resolved itself on the local scene however it is persisting on the global scene. Although not shown in the video I have tried setting all other components in my scene to 'hidden' so I think it is definitely the basemap/image layer.
Ok thanks for sharing that.
Would it be possible for you to share a .umap for this level with us? It would make it easier to reproduce.
The filetype .umap is not supported for upload on this forum - is there an email I can send it to?
Hi Matt, not sure if you got my previous post, but .umap is not supported. May I have your email to send it to please?
@JosefStoeger I sent you a direct message
Hi @JosefStoeger I think I have a couple of things that can solve your issue.
1. Either disable occlusion culling https://esri-runtime.slack.com/archives/C03QPCPL0SV/p1668783159771629?thread_ts=1668076481.938819&ci...
2. Enable the heirarchical z buffer https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.1/en-US/visibility-and-occlusion-culling-in-unreal-engine/#hierarchi...
I believe both can solve your issue of the z fighting we are seeing causing the tile to flicker.
We are investigating more proper solutions for this but in the meantime I think this should help you.