We are building a mobile game with Unity that displays a static map depending on the player's location. No additional layers or elevation, just the base map. The player presses a button and using some coordinates the Map around them is displayed. We've been able to achieve this already.
All good.. However, I checked my current usage in my account Dashboard and it was way higher than I expected. I have only been trying out the service in the Unity Editor and internal Android builds. I did not even share it with other people yet.

We are using the free plan and at this usage rate, this is honestly too expensive for us. I don't think I should be using up 4000 tiles in 1 day, but maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Current usage notes:
1. Set up an ArcGISMap in the Editor with Editor mode enabled. Map mode is LOCAL.
2. Circle extent is enabled, with the radius ranging from 250-700.
3. Tried using different Basemap styles such as: Streets (Night), OpenStreetMap Dark, Nova Map.
4. For testing on December 5, I tried displaying different locations per click, but I must have changed locations less than 100 times only.
So I have a few questions:
1. How exactly big is a "tile" and what constitutes 1 usage of it?
2. If I reduce my map extent, could that reduce my tile usage?
3. During 1 app session, can I keep a map loaded with the same location without using up more tiles?
4. What are some other ways I could dramatically reduce my tile usage?
Thank you very much.