Showing attributes

07-23-2022 06:51 AM
New Contributor III


Is there a way to select an object and show its attributes?

Thanks in advance.

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11 Replies
New Contributor II

Thanks Mazen, but can you link the string data with the feature ID? 

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New Contributor III

Hello again,

Thank you dun82 for sharing your code in the other thread!

Finally, I managed to process the attributes and show the data, here are the used functions to do so.
(OBJECTID can be processed as Int)

private void Setup3DAttributes(ArcGIS3DObjectSceneLayer Layer)
        if (Layer == null)
        var layerAttributes = ArcGISImmutableArray<String>.CreateBuilder();

        var renderAttributeDescriptions = ArcGISImmutableArray<Esri.GameEngine.Attributes.ArcGISVisualizationAttributeDescription>.CreateBuilder();
        renderAttributeDescriptions.Add(new Esri.GameEngine.Attributes.ArcGISVisualizationAttributeDescription("IsBuildingOfInterest", Esri.GameEngine.Attributes.ArcGISVisualizationAttributeType.Float32));

        attributeProcessor = new Esri.GameEngine.Attributes.ArcGISAttributeProcessor();

        attributeProcessor.ProcessEvent += (ArcGISImmutableArray<Esri.GameEngine.Attributes.ArcGISAttribute> layerNodeAttributes, ArcGISImmutableArray<Esri.GameEngine.Attributes.ArcGISVisualizationAttribute> renderNodeAttributes) =>
                var fidAttribute = layerNodeAttributes.At(0);
            /* Choose a function to process the data depending on the type
                ForEachInt64(fidAttribute, (Int64 element, Int32 index) =>
                    //save in a list or print

                ForEachString(fidAttribute, (string element, Int32 index) =>
                    //save in a list or print

                ForEachDouble(fidAttribute, (float element, Int32 index) =>
                    //save in a list or print
        Layer.SetAttributesToVisualize(layerAttributes.MoveToArray(), renderAttributeDescriptions.MoveToArray(), attributeProcessor);

private void ForEachString(Esri.GameEngine.Attributes.ArcGISAttribute attribute, Action<string, Int32> predicate)
            var buffer = attribute.Data;
            var unsafePtr = NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.GetUnsafePtr(buffer);
            var metadata = (int*)unsafePtr;

            var count = metadata[0];

            // First integer = number of string on this array
            // Second integer = sum(strings length)
            // Next N-values (N = value of index 0 ) = Length of each string

            IntPtr stringPtr = (IntPtr)unsafePtr + (2 + count) * sizeof(int);

            for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                string element = null;

                // If the length of the string element is 0, it means the element is null
                if (metadata[2 + i] > 0)
                    element = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(stringPtr, metadata[2 + i] - 1);

                predicate(element, i);

                stringPtr += metadata[2 + i];

    void ForEachInt64(Esri.GameEngine.Attributes.ArcGISAttribute attribute, Action<Int64, Int32> predicate)
            var buffer = attribute.Data;
            var unsafePtr = NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.GetUnsafePtr(buffer);
            var metadata = (int*)unsafePtr;
            var count = attribute.Data.Length/4;

            for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                predicate((Int64)metadata[i], i);

    void ForEachDouble(Esri.GameEngine.Attributes.ArcGISAttribute attribute, Action<float, Int32> predicate)
            var buffer = attribute.Data;
            var unsafePtr = NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.GetUnsafePtr(buffer);
            var metadata = (double*)unsafePtr;
            var count = attribute.Data.Length / 8;

            for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                predicate((float)metadata[i], i);


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