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Offline map

08-22-2022 11:31 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hey guys, im using ArcGis Unity SDK for a couple of days and i like it.
I have an question tho - can i use ArcGis pro to draw and make an offline map to use with the SDK in offline mode?
And how do i switch to offline map?
I got it - all i needed is nicely done in ArcGIS Maps SDK - Map Creator.
Awesome SDK guys, gonna buy ArcGIS pro subscription and make some beautifull maps yey \o/

12 Replies
Esri Alum

So to work with the SDK in offline mode you just need to ensure all the data sources you are using are offline. We support a few different offline data sources. For tiles and elevation we support TPKs and for scene layers (integrated mesh and 3d object) we support SLPK files. Both of these different formats can be generated with the help of ArcGISPro. 

Emerging Contributor

i have problem with offline data.

sdk show elevation tile(tpkx) but dont show image tile package.

these package have two different extent. but show elevation and image package in arc pro without problem



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Esri Alum

Can you attach a view state logging component and see if it says anything? Also what version of unity are you using?

Emerging Contributor

my unity version is 2022.1.11f1.

if you suggest any version i check it?

view state error is :

ArcGISViewState changed to : NoViewport, Error (Unknown error.)
Additional info: provided uri is invalid: D:/Unity Project/GlobeMap3D/GIS_3D/Assets/GisPackage/national_geographic_world_map_tpk_9f42193c50544b39ba848365be579e54.tpk
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
Esri.ArcGISMapsSDK.Samples.Components.ArcGISViewStateLoggingComponent:<SubscribeToViewStateEvents>b__3_2 (Esri.GameEngine.View.State.ArcGISViewState) (at Assets/Samples/ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity/1.0.0/All Samples/Components/ArcGISViewStateLoggingComponent.cs:136)
Esri.GameEngine.View.State.ArcGISViewStateChangedEventHandler:HandlerFunction (intptr,intptr) (at Library/PackageCache/com.esri.arcgis-maps-sdk@de62bea1444a/SDK/API/GameEngine/View/State/ArcGISViewStateChangedEvent.cs:64)

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Esri Alum

Do the samples we ship with the plugin work? We are on 2021 right now but I would guess 2022 would be fine, you should just test it with the ones we ship. Looks like there is something wrong with the filepath acording to the log

Emerging Contributor

did you mean sample project in github?

i change basemap to image layer then error is changed.

i use web mercatur coordinate system for 2 tile and elevation package. but error is :

ArcGISViewState changed to : NoViewport, Warning (Spatial reference invalid or incompatible.)
Additional info: View spatial reference has no vertical coordinate system. Vertical units will be interpreted as meters
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
Esri.ArcGISMapsSDK.Samples.Components.ArcGISViewStateLoggingComponent:<SubscribeToViewStateEvents>b__3_2 (Esri.GameEngine.View.State.ArcGISViewState) (at Assets/Samples/ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity/1.0.0/All Samples/Components/ArcGISViewStateLoggingComponent.cs:136)
Esri.GameEngine.View.State.ArcGISViewStateChangedEventHandler:HandlerFunction (intptr,intptr) (at Library/PackageCache/com.esri.arcgis-maps-sdk@de62bea1444a/SDK/API/GameEngine/View/State/ArcGISViewStateChangedEvent.cs:64)


ArcGISViewState changed to : Active, Warning (Spatial reference invalid or incompatible.)
Additional info: View spatial reference has no vertical coordinate system. Vertical units will be interpreted as the horizontal coordinate system's units: Meter
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
Esri.ArcGISMapsSDK.Samples.Components.ArcGISViewStateLoggingComponent:<SubscribeToViewStateEvents>b__3_2 (Esri.GameEngine.View.State.ArcGISViewState) (at Assets/Samples/ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity/1.0.0/All Samples/Components/ArcGISViewStateLoggingComponent.cs:136)
Esri.GameEngine.View.State.ArcGISViewStateChangedEventHandler:HandlerFunction (intptr,intptr) (at Library/PackageCache/com.esri.arcgis-maps-sdk@de62bea1444a/SDK/API/GameEngine/View/State/ArcGISViewStateChangedEvent.cs:64)
Esri.GameEngine.View.ArcGISView:set_Camera (Esri.GameEngine.MapView.ArcGISCamera) (at Library/PackageCache/com.esri.arcgis-maps-sdk@de62bea1444a/SDK/API/GameEngine/View/ArcGISView.cs:74)
Esri.ArcGISMapsSDK.Components.ArcGISCameraComponent:PushPosition () (at Library/PackageCache/com.esri.arcgis-maps-sdk@de62bea1444a/SDK/Components/ArcGISCameraComponent.cs:138)
Esri.ArcGISMapsSDK.Components.ArcGISCameraComponent:Update () (at Library/PackageCache/com.esri.arcgis-maps-sdk@de62bea1444a/SDK/Components/ArcGISCameraComponent.cs:204)






0 Kudos
Esri Alum

Nope, I am saying the samples in the project. In the package manager did you click import samples on our plugin?

Emerging Contributor

check by 3D_Attribute sample this is result



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New Contributor

I've published some generic global maps from ArcGIS pro into various formats (.tpkx, .vtpk, .mapx), but when I plug these into the custom basemap input within the SDK I get nothing. Is there something special that needs to be done when providing a custom basemap to the SDK? I specify "basemap type" as Image Layer, but the type doesn't seem to make a difference for this situation. I'm new to ArcGIS, so not sure whether it is something I am doing wrong within GIS software, or whether I am using the SDK wrong. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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