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ArcGIS and Unity Reflect for Revit BIM

02-01-2023 08:18 AM
Emerging Contributor


I'm trying to use together ArGIS SDK and Unity Reflect which is a package that allows you to import/connect a BIM project from Revit into Unity.

Real-Time BIM Viewer For VR & AR | Unity Reflect

Basically, in the a unity scene with Reflect  there are  a Reflect UI, a Reflect FPP camera and a Reflect Root object with the BIM obects are as chidren. 


***My hypothesis is that if I have Reflect as a child of ArcGISMap object, if I add a ArcGIS component to the FPP camera create a object with a HPTransform for the Root... It may work***

Reflect requires 2020.3.3f1 though so the before to try that I have to  make ArcGIS SDK work on that version of Unity.

Without creating any map I have that error after installing the ArcGIS sdk package on Unity 2020.3.3f1:

Library\PackageCache\com.esri.arcgis-maps-sdk@1dcb402b697a-1673059769253\SDK\Renderer\Renderables\IRenderable.cs(50,18): error CS8701: Target runtime doesn't support default interface implementation.

The MapCreator doesn't show on the main menu yet I tried creating map via a C# script and here are all errors and warnings:


Is there a chance that I can fix those errors and make ArcGIS SDK to work on 2020.3.3f1 version of Unity to try it with Reflect?

Does anyone have ever tried to use Unity Reflect for Revit with ArcGIS SDK together? any insights? 

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