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How to get vector building footprints ("roofprints," "roof forms," etc) into ArcGIS for Creative Cloud?

07-08-2020 08:28 AM
New Contributor

Hello GeoNet community, thanks in advance. I'm a graphic designer, VERY new to these tools. I'm using ArcGIS for Creative Cloud and Adobe Illustrator.

I need to create a vector map of Syracuse, NY. I would like to include roadways AND structures / buildings. The raster basemap shows building footprints, but the Vector Basemap does not. I've found various user created maps for different cities that have this info, so my fear is this info needs to be made from scratch for Syracuse.

Is there no way to easily convert this data? The buildings are visible in the raster basemap, surely that info is available in vector as well? 

Again, my sincere thanks for your help, 


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi Nathan,

The VectorStreetMap layer does contain building footprints for much of the world, but (as you've found) it appears there is no coverage over Syracuse. A good option instead would be OpenStreetMap.

Esri makes OSM data available as live feature layers through this group: 

The layer that you would specifically want to use is the North America Buildings layer: 

You can add the layer using the URL above by choosing the 'ArcGIS Online URL' option when in the Add Layer dialog within Maps for Adobe.

Hope this helps.

