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Map Competition Winners Announced. ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud

02-07-2022 02:59 PM
Esri Contributor
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Esri just wrapped up its second ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud (Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud) competition, and the submissions were beautiful. Each qualifying map was made with Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud. Our talented judges have tallied the results, and I'm pleased to announce the winners.

First Place. The Trails of Lonesome Dove.

by Stephanie Clark


What our judges had to say about Stephanie Clark's map:

This map was inviting for its merger of narrative fiction with the geography of the physical world and historical context. Not only does the map tell a story, it maps one. The map aesthetic meshes nicely with the subject matter and is a good example of tasteful restraint.. Color palette looks good without looking like an exaggerated period-piece.

Second Place. Maryland and Vicinity

by Jason Holmberg


What our judges had to say about Jason Holmberg's map:

This map is so clean and legible. The colors are pleasant and clear and most importantly, there's not too many of them, which is a trap that I think is very easy to fall into, especially in a map like this that has to convey so much information... This is a map I would find useful for understanding and navigating a place I'd just moved to, as well as a map I'd enjoy hanging on my wall.

Third Place. La Grande Motte

by Celine Kerpelt


What our judges had to say about Celine Kerpelt's map:

This map is neat and legible and illustrates a unique subject in an interesting way. The map color palette is very diverse without looking discordant and it gives the street map a pleasant tapestry of hues.

I appreciate the cartographer sharing their digital-to-printmaking process in this beautiful stark minimalist map of La Grand-Motte.

Honorable Mentions

The collection of maps this year's Maps for Adobe competition received was gorgeous. Although there's not enough space to list them all in this post, I wanted to share with you all a few more of the stunning maps entered this year

The Fan District by Emily Routman 

City of Richmond


The Chihuahuan Desert by Carl Churchill

Woodwell Climate Research Center


Use-It by Irina Moons




Check out the book!

If you would like to get started with Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud, check out this recent Esri Press publication, Mapping By Design. I included many tutorials for map designers to get to know this new mapping tool, which can be integrated with your ArcGIS Pro workflows.