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Sixty Living Atlas Demographics and Lifestyle Countries Updated!

03-25-2016 08:20 AM
Occasional Contributor II
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DemographicsReleaseBlogPost_3.11.2016_24.pngIn the latest release of Esri Demographics, sixty services have been updated with new content! This includes over one hundred new map image layers! All of the web maps and map image layers are available through the Living Atlas of the World on ArcGIS Online. Most countries will feature two web maps; average household size or total population and purchasing power per capita. Twelve European countries including Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, and the United Kingdom now have more granular levels of geography, enabling more detailed analysis. In some cases, the data goes down to the block level, allowing for more meaningful comparisons between locations that ultimately lead to better decision making. All new maps will feature country level geography, enabling easy comparisons between two or more countries at the national level. Some countries also have new attribute names, so be sure to check the release notes associated with the countries you use.

The Living Atlas of the World is the authoritative, curated, ready-to-use content available through ArcGIS Online. Contributed user and partner content, along with Esri content, compose the Living Atlas. This content can be used alone or in conjunction with additional data to help you complete your work more efficiently. To learn more, please visit our website and follow us on Twitter.

About the Author
Hi! I'm Tamara Grant, and I'm the Training and Support Coordinator for the Living Atlas of the World and Community Maps at Esri. I've been at Esri for six years. My responsibilities include training, documentation, and resource and support assistance.