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Esri Frequent Contributor

Jointly managed by NASA and the USGS, Landsat is the longest running spaceborne earth imaging and observation program in history. The Landsat program began in 1972, with the launch of Landsat 1. Beginning with Landsat 4, the program began providing mission to mission data continuity.

The Landsat Level-2 multispectral imagery is available in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World as a time enabled image service, accessible across the ArcGIS system. For more about the service and the data, see Landsat Level-2.

Landsat Explorer is an ArcGIS Living Atlas app that enables you to investigate and unlock the wealth of information that Landsat provides. 


For more information, see Learn to explore Landsat imagery using Landsat Explorer by @BernSzukalski and @RobertWaterman.

Visit the ArcGIS Living Atlas home page to learn about what's new and how to use content. See the ArcGIS Living Atlas blog for more blog articles that help you get the most out of Living Atlas.

0 4 242
Esri Frequent Contributor

While coastal communities make up only 10% of the U.S. land mass, nearly 40% of the population can be found in coastal communities. An estimated $1 trillion worth of property is located within 700 feet of the coast and by 2050, it is estimated that up to $106 billion worth of coastal property will likely be impacted if current trends continue.

Using Living Atlas apps such as World Imagery Wayback, Regrid parcel boundaries, and ArcGIS Instant Apps, you can quickly and effectively view coastal change and property loss over time.


 For more information, see Map in a minute: Map coastal property loss using ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Living Atlas by @BernSzukalski. The blog article covers using Wayback, using Map Viewer to add Regrid parcels, and leverages the Media Map Instant App to use its swipe tool.

Visit the ArcGIS Living Atlas home page to learn about what's new and how to use content. See the ArcGIS Living Atlas blog for more blog articles that help you get the most out of Living Atlas.

1 0 84
Esri Frequent Contributor

Sentinel-1 Explorer is one of several Living Atlas ready-to-use apps that unlock the

Sentinel-1 is a spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging system and mission from the European Space Agency and the European Commission. The mission launched and began collecting imagery in 2014.

Sentinel-1 SAR imagery helps to track and document land use and land change associated with climate change, urbanization, drought, wildfire, deforestation, and other natural processes and human activity.

Through an intuitive user experience, the Sentinel-1 Explorer leverages a variety of ArcGIS capabilities to explore and begin to unlock the wealth of information that Sentinel-1 provides. Some of the key capabilities include:

  • Visual exploration of a dynamic global mosaic of the latest available scenes.
  • On-the-fly band/polarization combinations and indices for visualization and analysis.
  • Interactive Find a Scene by location, time, and orbit direction.
  • Visual change by time and renderings with Swipe and Animation modes.
  • Analysis such as threshold masking and temporal profiles for vegetation, water, land surface temperature, and more.



For more information, see Detect and measure wildfires with the Sentinel-1 Explorer.

Visit the ArcGIS Living Atlas home page to learn about what's new and how to use content. See the ArcGIS Living Atlas blog for more blog articles that help you get the most out of Living Atlas.

1 0 118
Esri Frequent Contributor

The December 2023 Broadband Data Collection (BDC) is now available within ArcGIS Living Atlas. This ready-to-use layer shows fixed broadband availability for every Census Block and H3 Resolution-8 hexagonal area in the U.S. and outlying territories.



The layer summarizes the December 2023 BDC data showing the number of served, underserved, and unserved Broadband Serviceable Locations (BSLs) by transmission technology in a given geography. It is a composite of six sublayers – State, County, Tract, Block Group, Block, and H3 Resolution-8 hexagons – each with a related table listing all Internet Service Provider (ISP) offerings by technology and speed tier.

For more information, see FCC Broadband Data Collection – December 2023 Update in ArcGIS Living Atlas.

Visit the ArcGIS Living Atlas home page to learn about what's new and how to use content. See the ArcGIS Living Atlas blog for more blog articles that help you get the most out of Living Atlas.

1 0 105
Esri Frequent Contributor

Esri Community Maps contributors continue to enrich ArcGIS Living Atlas with authoritative large-scale map layers. This second quarter includes over 180 new and updated communities, spanning 4 continents.



For more information, see Basemap releases includes over 180 new and updated communities.

Visit the ArcGIS Living Atlas home page to learn about what's new and how to use content. See the ArcGIS Living Atlas blog for more blog articles that help you get the most out of Living Atlas.

2 0 157
Esri Frequent Contributor

Just released in beta, a new Environment basemap of the world designed to support environment, landscape, natural resources, hydrologic, and physical geography content is now available in ArcGIS Living Atlas.

This web map consists of vector tile layers that form a detailed basemap for the world, featuring a neutral style. The layers in this map provide unique capabilities for customization, high-resolution display, and offline use on mobile devices. They are built using the same data sources used for other Esri basemaps.



Use the map directly and add your own layers, or add the map to your organization's custom basemap gallery for use by all members. For more information, see Announcing the new Esri Environment basemap (beta).

Visit the ArcGIS Living Atlas home page to learn about what's new and how to use content. See the ArcGIS Living Atlas blog for more blog articles that help you get the most out of Living Atlas.

1 0 193
Esri Frequent Contributor

Scientists and naturalists around the world utilize the iNaturalist network to share detailed information about the biodiversity and species around them. This collection of crowdsourced observations is now freely available in beta within ArcGIS Living Atlas to be used with your GIS workflows.

The beta layer is accessible through ArcGIS Living Atlas and is scheduled to be updated monthly with the latest observations.


For more information, see iNaturalist observations now available in ArcGIS Living Atlas (Beta).

Visit the ArcGIS Living Atlas home page to learn about what's new and how to use content. See the ArcGIS Living Atlas blog for more blog articles that help you get the most out of Living Atlas.

3 2 337
Esri Frequent Contributor

Sentinel-1 is a spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging system and mission from the European Space Agency and the European Commission. The mission launched and began collecting imagery in 2014.

With the ability to see through cloud and smoke cover, and because it does not rely on solar illumination of the Earth's surface, Sentinel-1 is able to collect useful imagery in most weather conditions, during both day and night. This data is good for wide range of land and maritime applications, from mapping floods, to deforestation, to oil spills, and more.

The newly introduced Sentinel-1 Explorer leverages a variety of ArcGIS capabilities to explore and begin to unlock the wealth of information that Sentinel-1 provides.


For more information, see Sentinel-1 Explorer: Observing earth in a different light by @RobertWaterman.

Visit the ArcGIS Living Atlas home page to learn about what's new and how to use content. See the ArcGIS Living Atlas blog for more blog articles that help you get the most out of Living Atlas.

4 0 167
Esri Frequent Contributor

At the core of any effective transportation policy is reliable data and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is responsible for assuring that adequate highway transportation data and systems performance information is available via the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) program.


3 0 109
Esri Frequent Contributor

The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Annual Data Release has been available via Living Atlas for several years. This dataset is useful for understanding health aspects of communities at the county, state, and national levels. 

The 2024 feature layer is now available in Living Atlas, leveraging the authoritative source: County Health Rankings & Roadmaps (CHR&R), a program of the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


CHR&R provides a snapshot of the health of nearly every county in the nation. A wide range of factors influence how long and how well we live, including: opportunities for education, income, safe housing and the right to shape policies and practices that impact our lives and futures.

For more information, see Map and analyze 2024 county health rankings via Living Atlas by @DianaLavery1 .

Visit the ArcGIS Living Atlas home page to learn about what's new and how to use content. See the ArcGIS Living Atlas blog for more blog articles that help you get the most out of Living Atlas.

3 0 191
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