Hi everyone,
I have a javascript application which tries to reach a map located in our ArcGIS Online portal. The portal is configured to use log in with Azure AD, but when I use the following code and tries to load the Portal Item as in the example below:
server: arcGisConfiguration.portalUrl,
adminTokenServiceUrl: "",
tokenServiceUrl: arcGisConfiguration.tokenEndpoint
esriConfig.portalUrl = arcGisConfiguration.portalUrl;
var oAuthInfo = new OAuthInfo({
appId: arcGisConfiguration.clientID,
portalUrl: arcGisConfiguration.portalUrl + "/sharing",
popup: !1
let webmapId = arcGisConfiguration.relationship.webmapId, authenticationMode, activeRelationShip = arcGisConfiguration.relationship, esriPortal = new Portal({
url: esriConfig.portalUrl
var item;
new PortalItem({
id: webmapId,
portal: esriPortal
}).load().then((function(item) {
I am directed to this Sign-In page instead of our Azure AD login:
When I enter the portalURL in the browser instead, the Azure AD login page shows up. Does anyone see what I have to change to also make the application work with Azure AD?