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WMTSLayer Url Issues

07-09-2014 11:50 PM
New Contributor


i am trying to connect to a wmts url and i came across a rather serious issue with the arcgis javascript sdk

i have this url from my client:

the standard from ogc for wmts only suggests a namingconvetion for the capabiltities file.

The URL referencing a ServiceMetadata document can have any form but we

recommend the following syntax and format:


Since my xml file is named differently and there is another file on the same server named according to the suggestion from the ogc standard - i am unable to call this wmts with the arcgis javascript sdk, becasue in the wmtslayer.js file arcgis automatically appends the version number 1.0.0 and WMTSCapabilitites to any url passed to the wmts layer ...

Please can you guide me in the right direction no fix this issue!

Any help is highly appreciated.

Best Regards

Fabian Friedl

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