I have JS api application built and deployed. Which is using a tiledmapservice and multiple dynamic map service.
I would like to add WMTS layer to the Map.
URL: http://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/tiles/service/wmts
The code I used:
var layerInfo = new WMTSLayerInfo({
identifier: "brtachtergrondkaart",
tileMatrixSet: "EPSG:28992",
format: "png"
var options = {
serviceMode: "KVP",
layerInfo: layerInfo
aLayer = new WMTSLayer("http://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/tiles/service/wmts", options);
I captured onError on that layer. When i add layer the event gets fired with the message:
Unable to get property 'nodeValue' of undefined or null reference